Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Urbańska outraged by the rules in “The Voice Kids”. What did she hear in response?

Julia Sionek during his performance in “The Voice Kids” performed the song Lenka “The Show” (Look!). Ultimately, she managed to turn over three seats. She was especially delighted with the girl Natasza Urbańska.

“Julka, it was different. There were moments of uncertainty in this song, but overall you did very well. And when I turned around and saw how much the stage loved you and how you behaved on the stage, I was calmer,” she commented. Cleo.

“I regret that we are sitting backwards at all. It makes no sense at all,” Urbańska began. “You have a button that turns around so you can sit facing forward,” he replied Baron.

“But you know what I mean. I'm trying to imagine something and then suddenly I turn around and I see this charming, beautiful girl who does a lot of acting here. I would like to see it all from the beginning,” she continued. Urbańska.

“Then turn on the TV on Saturday at 8 p.m.,” he kept telling the coach Baron. “The stage is a mix of what you look like on the stage, how you feel on the stage, what energy you have, what charisma” – the trainer did not give up.

“That's why it's 'The Voice,' so that nothing else can distract us,” he explained to her Thomson. But Urbańska was not satisfied. “It still annoys me,” she concluded.

“You are a mixture of different emotions,” he said to the participant Thomson. Who did Julka choose?

Sionko decided to cooperate with Natasza, which surprised the trainer herself.

“Julia is 10 years old. Singing is her greatest passion. She has been singing in the Krakow Children's Choir for almost four years. She attends individual singing lessons and piano lessons. She dreams of performing on the largest stages in Poland – preferably in duets with the greatest Polish artists. She loves to come up with her own outfits for concerts,” we read on the “The Voice Kids” website.