Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Schwarzenegger fooled Stallone’a. His rival starred in a movie disaster

The Austrian-born actor shared this story with fans during Beyond Fest in 2017. At one point he was asked about his relationship with Stallone’em. “I’m glad we explained everything, because it didn’t look nice. We were constantly attacking each other. We were calling each other names, pointing out each other’s weaknesses, competing in everything,” the filmmaker recalled. Terminator.

“It was so stupid because suddenly we were racing to see who had the better sculpted body. I said: ‘Sly, forget about it. There is only one seven-time winner of the Mr. title. Olympia and it’s me’. So he had to have bigger weapons. And the race began to see who had the bigger gun or the bigger knife. Remember that Rambo’s knife was as big as a sword? Nobody wears something like this! Stallone had one made so I had to find a bigger one. And that’s how it went,” he recalled.

Stallone’s rivalry’ai Schwarzenegger she was so fierce that at one point she became a star “Kindergarten Cop” he decided to deliberately push his rival onto a mine. When the opportunity arose, he was tricked into making one of the worst films of the 1990s. At the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century, Schwarzenegger received the script for the comedy “Stop, Mommy’s Shooting”. It was about a policeman who is forced to live with his overprotective mother.

“I read a script that was so bad. I’ve done movies that should have been flushed down the toilet. But this one was really bad. Because it was during our war (with Stallone’em), I thought I’d spread the word that I’m very interested. I know how it works in Hollywood. Then I demand way too much money. And they’ll think he can try to get Sly involved, maybe he can do it cheaper. They told him: ‘Schwarzenegger is interested. (…) He talked about it. If you want to take it away from him, that’s an option’. And he fell for it! He totally bit the hook! A week later I heard that he had signed a contract,” Schwarzenegger laughed.

Stallone confirmed the story when he guested on Jonathan Ross’ show. “For some time we couldn’t stand that we both lived in the same galaxy. We really hated each other,” admitted Rocky. “(Schwarzenegger) is quite intelligent. He started walking around the city saying: ‘I can’t wait to make this movie’. I went to my agent and told him to take it away, I wanted to replace him. I got the role and realized what a mess it was. And he laughed.”

On the Jimmy show’Kimmel’s ego, Schwarzenegger even admitted that Stallone called him and asked him directly if he was interested in appearing in “Stop, Mommy’s Shooting.” “I said yes, I’m thinking about taking on the role. It’s a brilliant idea. When (Stallone) heard it (…) he shouted that he would star in it, no matter what happened. Of course, the finished film was only fit for a toilet bowl.” – laughed the former governor of California.

“Schwarzenegger tricked me into being in this,” Stallone said on the morning show “Fox and Friends.” “That was the moment when I was thinking ‘Why am I here?’. There was one scene where they wanted me to play in a huge diaper.

Stallone still claims that “Stop, Mommy Shoots” is the worst film of his career. Critics and viewers agreed with him. The production received three Golden Raspberries: for the worst actor (Stallone), the worst supporting actress (Estelle Getty, who played the titular mommy) and the script. The only upside to the whole situation? “At least I didn’t have to give birth to a baby,” Stallone joked, referring to the comedy “Junior,” in which Schwarzenegger played a pregnant scientist.