Animation made in 2015 “Inside Out” directed by Pete Docter it was about a teenager named Riley. Like each of us, the heroine is guided by feelings: Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. When the girl is forced to leave her former life in the Midwest of the USA because her father got a job in San Francisco, she tries to adapt to the new situation. Although Joy, the most important feeling, does everything to maintain a positive atmosphere, Riley finds it difficult to find her way in a new city, home and school…
The main element of the plot was the struggle of Joy and Sadness and the chaos that grips Central when only Anger, Fear and Disgust remain at the helm. The entire film was essentially about striving to achieve emotional balance, which is so necessary for maintaining mental health. Pete Docter’s animation was a huge hit, winning an Oscar, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA.
Nine years after the premiere of “Inside Out”, the animated sequel will be released in cinemas. A film produced by Disney and Pixar “Inside Out 2” is a return to the mind of Riley, now a newly-minted teenager. The control center is undergoing a major renovation, because new Emotions have appeared! Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, who have been successfully running the entire enterprise so far, hesitantly welcome the new arrival – Uncertainty. And this is only the beginning of the changes.
He is responsible for directing “Inside Out 2”. Kelsey Mann. The script was written by Meg LeFauve, who also co-wrote the original.
Watch the trailer for “Inside Out 2”!