Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“I wanted to sink into the ground.” Cleo recalls a traumatic episode in her life

Seventh edition “The Voice Kids” is full of unique musical talents of children aged 8-14. However, not every participant gets a chance to move on to the next stage of the program.

Wanting to support all those who had to say goodbye to participation in the talent show, the coaches decided to share stories that were extremely difficult for them, but did not destroy their dreams. When Baron he asked the other coaches about difficult childhood events that remain in their memories to this day, the stories were endless.

“I had a poem to say in church (…) I was six or seven years old. I was so stressed that halfway through I started babbling nonsense. Now, when I look back on it, if I were an audience member, I would think: ‘Oh “Jesus, what a cute little girl is lost. And I thought only the worst things, I wanted to sink into the ground,” she began. Cleo.

“The choir with which I tried to sing in primary school had a trip to Malbork. It was supposed to be a general trip and singing, and then I got singing nodules. It was about the sixth or fifth grade of primary school. And they kicked me out of the choir. I cried (…) , I regretted it anyway, I just felt sorry at the time, I wanted to go there so much…” – he recalls in our video Thomson.

There was also a story associated with the school choir Baronwhich the musician still considers one of the most difficult from his childhood.

“We had a school choir and a performance at the Wrocław Philharmonic. The choir lady said: ‘Wear colorful T-shirts and black suit pants’ so that all the children would look like a band. I didn’t have a suit. There was simply no budget for a suit. ” – he began his story Baron.

“I said: ‘Mom, I need black pants’ and she said: ‘Then take the darkest jeans you have, I’m sure it will be fine’. And so there is a test. And the lady says to me: ‘Baron, why aren’t you dressed up?’ I say: ‘Well, I’m dressed up’. ‘Where are your black pants?’ I say: ‘Well, I don’t have any black pants.’ And they kicked me out of the show because of my pants. And I also felt such a sense of shame and rejection in front of these 30 children. “- confessed the musician of the band Afromental.

The above-mentioned stories of “The Voice Kids” coaches prove that failures, although painful, are an important element on the path to success. Baron, Cleo and Tomson Thanks to determination, hard work and self-confidence, they never gave up in the fight to make their dreams come true. Today they are in the place they have always dreamed of, thus becoming an inspiration for the young participants of the program.