“A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” will be an adaptation of “Tales of the Seven Kingdoms,” a series of short stories about Ser Duncan “Dunk” the Tall and Prince Aegon “Egg” Targaryen.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Martin revealed that he visited the set of the new series and was delighted with what he saw. The writer praised, among other things, the casting and faithfulness to the original book.
“I was in Northern Ireland in July on set and I was blown away by the view. The cast is great. Dunk and Egg look like they stepped out of the pages of my book. My readers are going to love them. (HBO) is doing a great job,” he told THR.
Martin noted that finding the right actors for the lead roles was key. Unlike previous series, “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” will focus primarily on the adventures of two characters. Peter Claffey will play Dunk, and Dexter Sol Ansell will play the Egg.
Martin’s comment came after he criticized the creators “The Dragon’s Kin”the first prequel “Game of Thrones”for straying from the source material in Season 2. “I’m not looking forward to writing a post about everything that didn’t work out in ‘Blood of the Dragon,’ but I have to, and I will,” he began a blog post in early September 2024.
The post disappeared from the author’s site shortly afterwards, but copies of it were saved by fans and circulate on the internet. Martin’s criticism was all the more surprising because he is one of the creative producers of “The Dragon’s Bloodline”.