TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“For good and for bad”: Episode 916. She saved the patient, but ruined her own life

After returning from duty, Kaczorowska will unexpectedly find her husband in the apartment of her deceased mother, with whom they are no longer together since she was sent to prison. He will be let in by Klemi (Weronika Walasiewicz), a friend of the doctor we met in the crime story.

– You do not answer the phone. When you came last time, there was no way to talk. I wanted… – Damian will start to explain.

– We’ve already told each other everything. What do you want to talk about? – asked Iga, unimpressed.

– Do not blame me. You are the one who risked everything, our marriage, our job… – her husband will point out.

– Our job is to save human lives. And that’s exactly what I did. I saved my patient’s life – the internist will calmly answer.

– Can you? – Iga will ask, pointing to a box with family souvenirs from the glory days of their marriage.

– I don’t know what to do with it. I thought you might want to keep them? If not, throw them away, do whatever you want, says Kaczorowski, closing the exit door behind him.

– I’m sorry, you didn’t say not to let him in – Klemi will say.

– Luz – pretends to be indifferent Iga.

Klemi will look into the box and see the Kaczorowskis’ wedding photo.

– These are photos… What a great dress you had! – he will comment spontaneously.

At this point Iga will burst. He covers his face with his hands, not wanting to show his tears.

What was the participation of prof. Markiewicz in Kaczorowska’s drama?

We reveal that the 916th episode “For good and for bad” will be broadcast on Wednesday, April 3 at 20.55 on TVP2.