Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Eurovision 2024. Were the Polish preselections fixed? There is a comment from the juror

On Monday (February 19), TVP announced that she was the Polish representative at Eurovision she stayed Aleksandra Wielgomashiding under a pseudonym Glow. As revealed on, the decision to select the Polish woman for Eurovision was made by a five-person jury. It included: Kasia Moś, Piotr Klatt, Michał Hanczak, Konrad Szczęsny and Łukasz Pieter.

The jurors selected 10 items and gave them points on a scale from 1 to 10. It turned out that Luna’s proposal – “The Tower” (listen) – received 34 points, a Justyna Steczkowska with the number “WITCH-ER Tarohoro” 33 points. They took third place in the voting – with the same result – Marcin Maciejczak and Dagadana and Kayah a song from the movie “Chłopi”.

Bookmakers, who are constantly analyzing the situation before the Eurovision Song Contest, quickly noticed the announcement of Luna as the Polish representative. However, certainly not as her fans would like. According to the latest quotations Poland ranks 21st out of 37 countrieswho will take part in the festival.

The composition of the jury was announced only after the decision was made, but as it turned out, the jurors also did not know who else was evaluating the candidates. “I had no idea who would vote except me. It was kept completely secret so that we would not contact each other or tamper with the vote (…). This gave us peace of mind in our work. No one called us or tried to convince. Thanks to this, we could focus on listening to music and choosing the best songs,” explained Michał Hanczak in an interview with Onet.

Finally, the jury met for deliberations that lasted about three hours, and after determining the final score for each juror, the results were calculated by a TVP employee. “When it turned out that Luna had won the most points, the most difficult task began. We had to keep quiet for almost a week and not reveal the voting results to anyone. We wanted to speed up the announcement of the verdict a bit, but it turned out that TVP also had to set a date with the European Broadcasting Union “February 19 was finally chosen. The silence was really tiring. I wanted to boast to everyone that we already had a representative, but I had to keep my mouth shut. Even at home,” Hanczak said.

The man also commented on the opinions that appeared on the Internet after the representative’s announcement. Justyna Steczkowska’s loss aroused the most controversy. “If Justyna won, there would be voices saying that it was a matter of acquaintance. If someone was unknown, we would be accused of bribery. Choosing a representative for Eurovision will always be a controversial topic evoking extreme emotions. It is impossible to please everyone, because we are all guided by different things in our lives. choosing your favorite music,” commented the journalist.

He also referred to theories that say that Steczkowska was not chosen because “she is associated with TVP Kurski.” “Nonsense! I will say more – during our deliberations, Justyna Steczkowska’s connection with TVP was never mentioned. Conspiracy theories will exist as long as someone doesn’t like something. If any of TVP’s employees tried to influence my decision, I would simply leave the room and slam the door behind him,” he explained.

He also emphasized that live performances would be very helpful in the selection. “Of course, my choice was guided to some extent by who I had already heard at a concert. This is a very important aspect of Eurovision. Everyone sings live there. That’s why I hope that everything will change next year. There’s a whiff of change on TVP, I know that the station is very interested in restoring the competition’s former glory. And inviting people from outside to the jury panel is a promising beginning of these changes,” he said.

When the information that Luna would represent Poland at Eurovision hit the Internet, Internet users immediately started examining the artist’s biography. They quickly connected her with Andrzej Wielgomas, the founder of Dawtona. The information is not confirmed because the singer protects her privacy, but this does not prevent Internet users from creating conspiracy theories. “Luna’s daddy definitely paid for the entire pre-selection and that’s why he’s going to Malmo” – such opinions can be found on the Internet.

“But this is complete nonsense. Of course, I can only speak for myself, but I haven’t seen any money, nor has such a proposal even been made. Such comments only insult our work and are an insult to the entire jury panel. Let’s establish once and for all, these are idiotic speculations. No one tried to bribe us – neither any member of Luna’s family, nor the Universal Music Polska label. We did everything to make our choice transparent. We all agreed that Telewizja Polska would reveal the detailed results of our vote,” Hanczak summed up.