In the final installment of the series “Rojst” the fight for the truth will begin, but there will also be those who will want to bury the sins of the past for good at all costs… The guide through the meanders of the beginnings of the brutal world will be the enigmatic figure of the Manager of the Centrum Hotel, taking the first steps in his successful career, in whom he plays brilliantly Filip Pławiak.
At the threshold of the millennium, old cases will gain new meaning, but before they come to light, residents, police and authorities in the city in Gronty will face completely new crimes, criminal stories and non-obvious clues. Unraveling the mystery behind the disappearance of Wanda Zarzycka will become the main goal not only of her father Piotr (Dawid Ogrodnik), but also of sergeant Anna Jass (Magdalena Różczka), who will return to the city after a personal ordeal.
Adam Mika (Łukasz Simlat), who wants to solve his latest case, sets himself the goal of unraveling the cause of the death of a girl found in the local forest. A smart and insightful policeman, Dzidzia, who was promoted after the success of the last investigation, will lead the case of death at the Centrum hotel. Wanycz (Andrzej Seweryn) will become a source of information for journalists, the police and deputy prosecutor Matwiejska (Marianna Gierszewska).
In a six-episode series “Rojst Millenium” We will also discover the fate of the honorable Jassijej, played by Janusz Gajos and Tomasz Schuchardt over two time periods (the 1960s and the 1990s). We will also learn the further fate of the hotel manager (Piotr Fronczewski), Nadia (Agnieszka Żulewska) and Dzidzia (Michał Pawlik).
“Rojst Millenium” – the finale of the cult trilogy on February 28 Netflix.