Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Disgraced star sued again. “Deep Consequences”

Paul Gadd (that’s the real name Gary Glitterlisten!) in 2015, he was imprisoned when he was sentenced to 16 years in prison for abusing girls aged 12-14 (the crimes were allegedly committed in the second half of the 1970s). In February 2023, after serving half of his sentence, he was released early, but was put behind bars again after 38 days.

Although the 79-year-old glam rock pioneer applied for parole, in early February 2024 it was decided that he would remain behind bars. “Everything we know about Gadd/Glitter indicates that he is a danger to children and has never shown any remorse,” the lawyer said Richard Scorerrepresenting one of the singer’s victims.

“Based on the evidence, it was established that at the time of committing the crime and during the period of his release, Mr. Gadd had a sexual interest in underage girls,” said the commission’s statement, which emphasized that Glitter did not participate in rehabilitation programs while in prison.

Now British media are reporting that the infamous rock star has been sued by one of his victims. The woman who submitted documents to the court is demanding compensation from him for “psychological damage” she suffered when she was only 12 years old. “We are dealing with serious and profound consequences as a result of the worst kind of abuse,” said lawyer Jonathan Metzer on behalf of the victim. He admitted Glitter’s actions had “profound and long-lasting consequences” on her life. The attachment for the court includes, among others, a report by a clinical psychologist, which states that he has suffered from “complex post-traumatic stress disorder”.

The accused or his representative did not appear in court in London. The judge will now decide whether and how much compensation the woman can receive. For now, the case has been adjourned until March 27 so that Glitter can read the accusation and have the opportunity to respond.

His conflicts with the law began in the 1990s. In 1997, after a computer service employee reported it, it turned out that the singer had a rich collection of photos of child pornography. The alerted police arrested the singer, who in 1999 was sentenced to four months in prison. After being released, the musician first found refuge in Cuba, then moved to Cambodia, from which he was expelled in 2002 for persuading minors to have sexual relations. In 2006, in Vietnam, he was sentenced to three years in prison for pedophilia, but was released after serving two and a half years.

The singer achieved his greatest successes in the 1970s. In total, he placed 13 songs in the Top 10 of the British charts – “I’m Leader of the Gang (I Am)”, “I Love You Love Me Love” and “Always Yours” reached the very top. The musician tried to return to the stage after the first moral scandal. In 2001, he released an album “He”.