TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Colors of Happiness”: Episode 2984. Betrayal and lies. Is this the end of their marriage?

– Why didn't you tell me about Bruno and Karolina? – Bożena will ask her mother-in-law without beating around the bush.

The attacked senior promises to explain everything to her, but not in front of Tadzio (Józef Trojanowski). At the same moment, Stański will burst into the apartment.

– Please, let me explain – he will ask.

– Speak. Only Karolina? Were there others? How many were there? Do I know them all? – Bożena will bombard him with questions.

– Only Karolina – whispers Bruno.

– Was it worth destroying our family for her? – he will hear another question.

Stański will assure his wife that the affair with Różańska is the biggest mistake he has made in his life. He will swear that he will do everything to atone for him, but Bożena will not want to talk to him anymore.

– Betrayal, lies, silence, collusion of loved ones… I don't even know what hurts me the most right now – he says.

We reveal that Stańska will pack up and leave the hotel without saying where she plans to stay. When he leaves, he will tell Bruno that he intends to file for divorce in court.

Is this really the end of their marriage?

TVP2 invites you to watch the 2,984th episode of “Colors of Happiness” on Wednesday, April 17, at 8:10 p.m.

Source: AIM