Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

The police searched Alain Delon’s house. A shocking find

A gun was found in the property Alain Delon in the Loiret region in central France. The house was searched following an order from the prosecutor of the Montargis commune, as part of a new investigation into the conflict between the now seriously ill actor and his three children: Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien.

The court in Montargis reported the confiscation of the items and stated that Delon did not have any authorization for them. “The actor was charged with possession of an unregistered firearm,” said Jean-Cedric Gaux, chief prosecutor of Montargis.

Let us remind you that Delon has been struggling with serious health problems for a long time. In 2019, he suffered a stroke, after which he was admitted to a clinic in Switzerland. He repeatedly emphasized that if necessary, he would not hesitate to use euthanasia. In his opinion, “from a certain point, a person has the right to pass away peacefully, without going through hospitals, injections and other things.” “I am in favor of dying with dignity,” he added. The actor’s words were confirmed two years ago by his son, Anthony, who said in an interview with RTL radio that his father wanted to undergo euthanasia and he was ready to help him with this.

Alain himself then uttered words that many people perceived as a kind of farewell to the world: “I would like to thank everyone who has accompanied me over the years and supported me. I hope that the next generations of actors will find in me an example not only professionally, but also in life, between victories and defeats. Thank you.”

Shortly after that, the actor’s younger son, Fabien, spoke out and firmly denied that his father planned to end his life. “Well, I don’t usually do this, but right now it’s getting out of hand. For over two weeks I’ve been reading in the news and comments that my father will end his life through euthanasia. It’s not true,” he wrote on Instagram. Fabien Delon emphasized that he sees a significant difference between assisted death and disconnection from the equipment when a loved one is in a coma.

It seems that since then, the internal disagreements among the Delon family have only increased. Since the end of January, the actor has been under court protection and has a designated legal representative responsible for assistance in disputes with children. It was during his visit that it turned out that there was a firearm in the actor’s house, so the investigators decided to search the property.