TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“The colors of happiness”: Episode 2968. Will she convince him to come back home?

In episode 2968, Vincenzo will introduce Blondyna to his mother, who came straight from Sicily.

– Welcome to our humble home – Ania will greet Guliana in impeccable Italian, and the woman will grab her and make her promise to tell her everything about herself.

– Kate! Mia cara! – he will shout when he sees the well-known Kaśka (Katarzyna Glinka), whom Vincenzo will employ as a translator.

Sadowska will invite Giuliana – on behalf of her son and his beloved – to Feel Good.

– This is my little Sicily in Poland – Vincenzo will confess to his mother, serving eggplant made according to her recipe.

– Piccola, ma bella – Guliana will say.

– What do they say? – Blondyna will ask Kasia, and when she whispers in her ear that her partner’s mother likes eggplant, she will announce that she has also prepared a few typical Polish dishes.

A few minutes later, Vincenzo will serve broth, cabbage rolls, pork chop and dumplings. Guliana will be delighted.

– A wonderful feast, everything is delicious – he will say in Italian, and Kasia will immediately translate the praise into Polish.

Sicilian women will be particularly impressed by cheese dumplings. I’ll name them “ravioli polacchi” and asks Ania for a recipe for a very unusual stuffing that she has never tasted before.

After the feast, Blondyna will go outside the restaurant with Kasia and tell her that she is a little worried because Vincenzo sees no world apart from his mother, and the feeling is mutual.

– I am, I don’t know… transparent to them – he sighs.

– Maybe I’m exaggerating? And I demand too much attention? But he didn’t even notice that I left, she will add.

However, it turns out that Ania’s fears are groundless. Vincenzo will tell her that her mother – when she was talking to Kasia – kept talking only about her and said that she was a wonderful hostess.

Although Feel Good will make a great impression on Guliana, she will not like the apartment in which Vincenzo and Ania make their nest.

– Is this a corridor? – he will ask, looking around… the living room.

– No, no corridor. Piccolo appartamento – her son will explain.

That same evening, Guliana asked Vincenzo directly why he rented such a cramped, very uncomfortable apartment.

– Is this country really worth it? – he will be surprised, suggesting that he does not understand what keeps him in Poland.

– Ania is worth it – Vincenzo will tell her.

His mother will remind him that in Sicily she has a beautiful house with a garden where they would certainly be better off.

We reveal that Guliana will be under the great charm of the Blonde and will recommend her son to propose to her and persuade her to move to Italy.

Will the woman change her mind when she finds out that Ania cannot have children? Will he tell Vincenzo to break up with his beloved and return to Sicily?

For the broadcast of the 2968th episode “Colors of happiness” TVP2 invites you on Monday, March 25 at 8:10 p.m.