In March, the science fiction show “The Three-Body Problem” will premiere, created by the creators of the TV series “Game of Thrones” – David Benioff and DB Weiss. series adaptation of the trilogy “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” by Liu Cixin. The first part of the series is “The Three-Body Problem”.
The next ones are “The Dark Forest” and “The End of Death”. A fateful decision made by a young woman in China in the 1960s echoes through time and space, and its consequences reach into modern times. When the laws of nature are inexplicably shaken, a close-knit group of outstanding scientists joins forces with a detective using unusual methods to face the greatest threat in human history – reads the official Netflix description.
The series stars (in alphabetical order): Jovan Adepo, John Bradley, Rosalind Chao, Liam Cunningham, Eiza González, Jess Hong, Marlo Kelly, Alex Sharp, Sea Shimooka, Zine Tseng, Saamer Usmani, Benedict Wong and Jonathan Pryce.
“The Three-Body Problem” available on Netflix from March 21.
After Dr. Rose Cotter (Sosie Bacon) witnesses a traumatic event involving a patient, she begins to experience terrifying phenomena that she cannot explain. When overwhelming terror begins to take control of her life, Rose must face her troubled past in order to survive and escape the terrible reality.
Movie “smile” topped the box office last year. It grossed over $200 million in theaters around the world.
“Smile” available on Netflix from March 21.
The Pateroks are a loving multi-generational family. They live in Silesia, lead a quiet life and enjoy the time spent together. A crack suddenly appears in this harmonious reality. Gerard (Grzegorz Przybył) starts behaving strangely, has memory problems, breaks norms and conventions. It turns out that these are the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s. The disease progresses rapidly. The man becomes unpredictable and resembles himself less and less.
He played the main role Michał Żurawski. The film was directed by Beata Dzianowicz.
Movie “Shreds” available on Netflix from March 22.
Read more: “Scratches”: For My Father (review)