Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

She sang the hit Maanamu in “The Voice Kids”. The coaches were holding their heads

An idea for one of the biggest hits Maanamu and Kory was created in Greece, more precisely in the titular Cyclades. After returning from that place, the singer wrote the lyrics and her partner wrote the lyrics Marek Jackowski composed the music. The song finally saw the light of day in 1981.

IN “The Voice Kids” with the song “Cicadas in the Cyclades” 11-year-old faced it Elena Płócienniczak and she did it so well that she turned all the coaches’ seats around. Already during execution Natasza Urbańska she was holding her head.

“She’s 11 years old and still sings,” the coach said with admiration and disbelief.

After a while, the participant revealed that her passion was also acting, and together with the trainers, they performed a choreography from the series “Wednesday”.

“You move, you dance, you have charisma, you win the audience one hundred percent,” she commented. Cleo. However, her encouragement was not enough, and Płócienniczak decided to join the team Natasza Urbańska.

The audience also liked the 11-year-old’s performance. The recording of the song Maanamu was viewed over 109,000 times in 24 hours. times.

“She is 11 years old. She is a friendly, sensitive and energetic girl. She started her adventure with music at the age of 9. She learns singing at the Municipal Song Studio in Przygodzice. Apart from singing, she is interested in acting and dancing. In her free time, she likes listening to music and riding. on a bike. Her idols are: Justin Bieber, Jenna Ortega, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Olivia Rodrigo” – we read on the website of “The Voice Kids”.