Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Sanah came out of the coffin at the concert and shocked the fans! “Primary school theater”

Sanah is undoubtedly the biggest Polish star of the young generation in recent years. The 26-year-old singer released a series of hits, including: “Champagne” Whether “but jazz”but also showed a slightly more lyrical side, presenting an album composed of texts by the most famous Polish poets – “Sanah sings poetry”.

The star does not hide the fact that she attaches great importance to meetings with fans. After the “Feast” and “Banquet” routes, it was time for “Bajkowa Sanah”. So far, Sanah has performed, among others, on a swing full of flowers, levitated on a harness above the fans’ heads, but she also often invites other Polish stars to give fans unforgettable emotions.

There are plenty of surprises during the concerts, as the viewers gathered in Tarnów could see for themselves. During the concert, she appeared on stage in… a glass coffin. As befits fairy tale stories, only a “daredevil’s kiss” could save her. “Oh no! What now? In order to get out of it, I have to be kissed by someone very handsome, preferably dressed in white. Very handsome, maybe he has a nice instrument. Come on, come on,” she says, clearly amused in the recording, to one of the musicians.

The guitarist quickly got close to the star to save her from trouble. “Kiss me knight!” – she said to her companion, who understood the fairy tale convention and allowed Sanah to leave the coffin.

Many fans who are accustomed to her sense of humor were amused by the idol’s unusual joke. There were also a lot of comments on the Internet criticizing this “fairy-tale” insert. “She gives me the vibe of those plays I went to in kindergarten”; “After all, these are elementary school plays”; “From what I remember, the dwarves kissed the princess from the bed, not from the coffin,” write Internet users who did not fully understand the entire performance.

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