Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Premieres from Netflix. Check out what's worth watching this weekend

The film “” was released on Wednesday. This is a Polish crime comedy from 2022. It tells the story of Patryk, who spends time with Sandra after his wife leaves. However, this knowledge will bring him trouble. The production features a galaxy of Polish stars, including: Julia Wieniawa, Mateusz Banasiuk and Aleksandra Popławska.

On the same day, the production “” debuted on the platform. The film tells the story of a girl named Kya who lived in isolation for years. She is sensitive and intelligent, but she lacks closeness and touch. When her ex-boyfriend dies, she is suspected of murder.

Just before the weekend, the next installment of Kora's saga – “” had its premiere on the website. The saved soldiers are ready to make further sacrifices in the fight for their homeland. Additionally, the heroes also have to face the truth about their past.

If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth catching up on the most watched series on Netflix right now – “”. It debuted just a few days ago and has already climbed to the top of the rankings. It is a French thriller that tells the story of reopening an old criminal case. The disappearance of a reporter brings his daughter to the mountain town.