Action of the film “White courage” directed by Marcin Koszałka takes place in the picturesque Polish Tatra Mountains just before and during World War II. The film is a story of love and dispute between the Zawrat brothers: the elder Maciek (Julian Świeżewski) and the younger Jędrek (Filip Pławiak). Jędrek loves Bronka (Sandra Drzymalska), but by the decision of the elders, she is married off to Maciek. Wounded and proud, Jędrek runs away to Krakow, where he enters the world of local bohemia. A beautiful painter, Helena (Wiktoria Gorodecka), fascinated by the handsome and rebellious Highlander, starts an affair with him.
Jędrek On his way, he meets German scientist and mountaineer Wolfram (Jakub Gierszał), which propounds the theory that the Highlanders come from the ancient Germanic tribe of the Pragotes. When war breaks out, the Germans offer cooperation to the inhabitants of Podhale. Maciej Zawrat, supported by many distinguished families, strongly rejects this proposal. However, convinced by Wolfram, Jędrek, hoping to regain his beloved and save his community from the destruction of war, cooperates. Jędrek and Maciej, entangled in history, forced to make the most difficult choices, loving the same woman, will stand on opposite sides of a dispute that will decide not only their personal fate, but the future of the entire region.
The production budget amounted to over PLN 16 million. “White Courage” will hit theaters on March 8, 2024.
The ceremonial premiere of “White Courage” took place at the Kijów cinema in Krakow on February 27. There were many film stars and creators on the red carpet, including: Sandra Drzymalska, Filip Pławiak, Julian Świeżewski, Rafał Stachowiak, Juliusz Chrząstowski, Andrzej Konopka.
Filip Pławiak, who plays the main character Jędrek in the film, talked to Interia about preparing for the role. Before he created his on-screen creation, he had to acquire additional knowledge about the Goralenvolk.
“Of course, it was important for me to learn more about this subject. Marcin Koszałka told me a lot, who, while preparing for the film, became a treasure trove of knowledge on this subject. I reached for the book “Goralenvolk. A story of betrayal.” The preparation was very long for me because I’m climbing in this film and I haven’t climbed before, so these preparations actually took over a year. Plus the dialect, highlander dances… There was quite a lot of it. And, of course, the most important thing is to prepare this character psychologically. Fortunately, the script was brilliantly written by Łukasz M. Maciejewski and Marcin Koszałka, so it was a pleasure to prepare for it,” he said.
In turn, Sandra Drzymalska, who played the character of Bronka, admitted that her acting was the result of working together on the set. He calls it “a beautiful time, full of great enthusiasm, creativity, but also courage.” The actress does not hide that the final effect of the film made a huge impression on her.
“When I saw this film for the first time, I was speechless for 15 minutes. (…) It moved me very much, I was very impressed by all my actor colleagues. I didn’t expect it to be such a beautiful and spectacular film,” she confessed.
Julian Świeżewski plays Maciej, Jędrek’s on-screen brother. In an interview for Interia, the 32-year-old actor said what appearing in “White Courage” means to him.
“For me, it was an incredible adventure, a wonderful meeting with creators, such as my colleagues on the screen, who did great and I enjoy watching them. But also, of course, with Marcin Koszałka, with the entire team who create this story,” he summed up.