TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Na Wspólnej”: Episode 3792. Change in the episode broadcast time

The editors learn about the attack on Dagmara. They ask her to drop the investigation. However, the journalist does not give up. Together with Ada, they find another recording of a road pirate. You can decipher the car's registration from the video. Dagmara and Igor go to the owner of a sports car. The young man claims that he only witnessed a fatal accident. However, Dagmara recognizes his voice!

The Hoffers discover that Olimpia, who was supposed to advertise them, is hiding at their place because she has made serious trouble. They say goodbye to the influencer without regret. Meanwhile, Mikołaj comes for Stefanek, but the young man disappears. He finds himself in a store where he tries to steal. Leśniewski is shocked when he learns that his son was stealing food and cigarettes for a man he met in the forest.

Roztocka meets with the owner of the house, who wants to charge Lew for the damages during the rescue operation. Weronika advises the woman to withdraw the charges. Otherwise, she will use the “hooks” she got on her. Nalepa is impressed with her beloved's effectiveness. Roztocka invites him to a family dinner. When Lew comes, Veronica's mother almost faints from fear.

Episode 3792 “On Wspólna” will be broadcast on Monday, March 26, exceptionally at 8:40 p.m. on TVN.

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