TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Na Wspólnej”: Episode 3790. Is Stefanek in danger?

A young influencer comes to Roman’s villa – she claims that she was invited by the head of the guesthouse, Stefan. Will the surprised Hoffers use Olimpia’s advertising services? Meanwhile, Stefanek smuggles lunch provisions for a man camping in the forest. He talks about Honorata as if he knew her. She unexpectedly asks him for an inappropriate favor.

Sławek comes to the police psychologist and lies to her about his excellent health. He has one goal – he wants to obtain a certificate of fitness for service. Will he receive it? Meanwhile, Daria returns home after finishing her internship in Germany. She wants to go on a date with Tadeusz, but he refuses. He suggests to the girl that they take a break from their relationship.

Kasia invites her friends for a “bachelorette” party. When he and Gosia, Tereska and Danka are having fun at a nightclub, a young man dances there as Chippendales. Suddenly the young man weakens! Zimińska calls an ambulance, and Bednarczuk asks the boy his age – it turns out he is 16.

3790th episode “On Wspólna” will be broadcast on Thursday, March 21 at 8:15 p.m. on TVN.