Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Michael Jackson: This is how the King of Pop's children have changed

He died in 2009 Michael Jackson He had three children, all of them are now adults. 27-year-old Prince, 25-year-old Paris and 22-year-old Blanket (today called Bigi) were extremely important to their father. On the occasion of the premiere of the musical “MJ: The Musical” they showed up to celebrate his legacy.

The show appeared on London's West End after great success in the USA – it was nominated 10 times for the prestigious Tony Award. “MJ: The Musical” was created with the help and consent of the Jackson family.

The main roles of the production include, among others: Myles Frost as Michael Jackson, Ashley Zhanghaza as his father, Joseph Jackson, and also Mitchell Zhanghaza as little Michael.

Observers were surprised by the common presence of the siblings, as well as the slightly gloomy faces on and off the wall. Only the eldest son seemed to be in a champagne mood.

Of the three children, only Paris took up music. In 2020, she released her only album so far, “Wilted”. In addition, she also works in modeling. “I think he always influences me in some way. I was constantly around this creativity, I'm sure I learned a lot from him,” Paris Jackson said about her father who died in 2021.

27-year-old Prince mentioned in one of the interviews that he did not inherit his talent from the King of Pop. However, it is developing in other areas. “My guiding principle is constant learning. I graduated from school, but that doesn't mean I stopped learning. My father also used to say: when you stop developing, that's when you die,” he said. “If I thought about being an artist, my family would be very honest with me and tell me it wasn't for me. I don't have a singing voice and it took me a while to learn what rhythm was, but at least I mastered it. I just I can't dance,” added the star's son. Prince graduated with honors in business from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles in 2019.

Blanket, who changed his name to Bigi in 2015, is the most mysterious of Jackson's children. His nickname Blanket (blanket) appeared due to a scandal in Berlin, when Michael Jackson, greeting his fans, appeared on the hotel balcony with his son, whom he held under his arm and covered his head with a blanket.