TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

A touching ceremony in “Colors of Happiness”. It couldn't be more beautiful

The ceremony will be intimate, but the young couple and the entire family will still be filled with happiness. Especially since Bogusia, who will be released from prison on leave, will appear among the wedding guests.

Mirek will eventually reconcile with his grandmother and will even invite the senior to live with him after serving her sentence.

“I owe you a little, for this year of imprisonment…

– I don't know what to say… And Bogusia, who is really touched by this gesture, will also show support from the rest of her relatives – headed by Luiza and Beata.

– Grandma, did you really think you would be alone? That we won't take care of you?

– You won't be alone…

However, two important people for the bride will be missing at the wedding: Gabi and Dorota, her friends from work. And the next day it will come to light that one of the teachers – Kujawiak – survived an attempted rape. The woman will report to the police that she was attacked by a driver who was supposed to take her home after a hen party. And Beata, hearing about the tragedy her friend experienced, will immediately try to help her.

“- How do you feel now…?

– I'm holding on… somehow…

How will this dramatic situation be resolved?

Subsequent episodes of “Colors of Happiness” can be watched from Monday to Friday at 8:10 p.m. on TVP2.