Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Meute at the Studio club in Krakow. Report from the concert

I haven’t seen so many people in the Studio for a long time. The party started with the set he served DJ Papa Boand then the gentlemen from came in all red Meute. It’s hard to maintain a good relationship with the audience when there are 11 of you on stage, you don’t have a microphone and you don’t even take breaks between songs. Well, unless you are them. Then the audience will love you just for “Good evening, Krakow”.

At the beginning I thought that I was missing the feeling of power like at Sziget, where they surrounded the entire stage and the catwalk and it seemed that this was exactly the size of the event they deserved. Of course, it is difficult to compare the club to one of the largest music festivals in Europe – with all my heart and greetings to Studio, which is my favorite club in Krakow, but I had the impression that this place was still too intimate for Meute.

We also heard songs from the just released album “EMPOR” (by the way, put it on your list of things to listen to), and those “known and liked”, but also excellent ones “Hey Hey” by Dennis Ferrer, with which they proved that they can handle vocals equally well. I would dream of hearing it live “Ein Tag wie Gold” With Meret Becker.

And when, after an hour, everyone thought that the gentlemen were leaving the stage… They did, but only to get into the middle of the audience. Then confetti fell on it all, the driver applauded, the gays danced a polonaise. This is how you do concerts.

All three Meute performances in Poland – in Kraków, Gdańsk and Warsaw – were sold out. This surprises me on the one hand, but also makes me happy, like the taxi driver who took me home and listened to classical music. On the other hand, it’s not surprising at all, because I buy all of them: from the music that makes you dance, to the drummer who always smiles as if to say, “Hey, guys, look how many people came.”

If it’s club music, then that’s it. And to you, people who talk at concerts instead of listening, may there be pathopses for eternity.