In this spectacular historical drama, Julianne Moore plays Mary Villiers, a terrifyingly ambitious woman from a poor family who ensured that her second son, George (Nicholas Galitzine), seduced King James I of England (Tony Curran) and became his son. a powerful lover.
Mary had always been smarter than those around her, but she was still waiting for her big chance. Finally, she noticed how she could take advantage of the king’s unbridled appetite for delicious wine, good company and wonderful men. Handsome and charismatic, but naive, George is thrown into the middle of his mother’s plot against the king. A bold plot and seductive charm allow Mary and George to conquer the heart of the English court and become the most powerful family in the country.
However, as George gains power, his relationship with his mother becomes more complicated. A man must prove to himself that a dazzling appearance is not all he has to offer. He wants to leave his mark on history, regardless of the consequences.
The script was written by DC Moore (“Eve’s Obsession”), inspired by Benjamin Woolley’s history book “The King’s Assassin”. The series was directed by Oliver Hermanus.