TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“M jak miłość”: Episode 1807. Dorota hides a secret from Bartek

In the new episode “M like love” two new heroines will appear! First, psychotherapist Judyta Kosowska (played by Paulina Chruściel) will start working in the clinic in Lipnica. Later, little Krysia, Justyna's daughter, will be born…

– She's beautiful.

– Ideal. The most beautiful in the world…

But that's where the good news ends, because the remaining heroes will face big problems! Basia – when her parents forbid her from having an evening date with Michał – will suddenly rebel and run away from home, having previously announced to her beloved that… she is ready for a night together.

– Change of plans! Do you still want to take me to that spa? My parents think I'm causing them huge problems…

– Well, then I'll show them what real problems are!

Moreover, Kama and Marcin will visit Grabina again – they are happy again and more and more in love with each passing moment.

– I would like you to know that after all these disappointments and various… storms… you are like a calm, friendly haven for me…

– It's like you are to me…

– So… it means that we are sailing into calm waters… and that everything will be fine now?

– Don't tempt fate!

However, Chodakowski's carefree attitude will not last long, because on the same day… Robert will escape from custody! The fugitive will be wanted by the police throughout the country. And the detective – fearing the gangster's revenge – will finally hide in the office with Jakub, Kama and Ania.

– The question is, what is his plan now? Will he bunker somewhere, escape abroad, or maybe first… You know… We let him get so close that he basically knows everything about us. He even knows my children…

– We'll stay here for now. I hope the manhunt ends soon and we just wait it out…

Meanwhile, Bartek and Natalia's friendship will be ruined – after a policewoman recently arrested him. Tomasz will finally withdraw the accusation, thanks to which Lisiecki will be released. When Mostowiakówna tries to apologize to her former brother-in-law, he will not be nice to her.

– I thought we were friends… but it looks like you don't know me at all. Procedures are procedures, but I don't understand how you could find me guilty?!

Bartek's relationship with Dorota will blossom and the boy will not only decide to live with his beloved, but also will invite Kawecka to the Mostowiak house – as his “official” partner. Unaware that his beloved has a secret… During the day, the millionaire will faint several times, but she will cleverly hide it from Lisiecki. And after visiting the doctor, he will start taking strong medications…

How serious will her illness be?

We reveal that the 1807th episode of “M jak miłość” will be broadcast on Monday, May 20 at 20.55 on TVP2.

Read more: “M jak miłość”: Episode 1807. It's amazing what secret he hides from him