TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“M jak miłość”: Episode 1787. Chodakowski will get into a conflict with gangsters

In the new episode “M like love” Kasia will try, together with Justyna, to fulfill her aunt’s last will and find her former lover – Jan. The girls will finally discover that the senior has been dead for several years. His grandson – Krzysztof Maliszewski (played by Adrian Brząkała) – will turn out to be Karska’s friend from the emergency room, with whom she rode in the same ambulance. And when Justyna suddenly starts to feel bad, the young paramedic will immediately take care of her… he is clearly charmed by the girl.

In the new episode, the wedding day of Iza and Radek will come… but Chodakowski’s problems will not end there. Kama will be terrified because she will discover that her beloved is still investigating her kidnapping and intends to visit a mafia club.

– Don’t go there… They are really very dangerous people…

– I know, I’ll be careful. It’s my job, I’ve done it hundreds of times and there’s no need to worry at all…

– Why are you so stubborn?!

Meanwhile, Robert – the gangster who targeted Marcin… will make an appointment with Ania! The bandit will not only persuade the girl to tell her about her family problems, but also to invite him to her house. And finally he will stand face to face with Chodakowski and Kama…

– Meet Robert… We accidentally bumped into each other once… It turned out that Robert is the owner of a fitness club, he invited me to rehabilitation classes!

– Ania told me a lot about you! I’m glad I finally met you…

We reveal that the 1787th episode of “M jak miłość” will be broadcast on Tuesday, March 5 at 20.55 on TVP2.

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