Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Lifehack that Apple advises us against. Don’t do that with your phone!

Certainly each of us has encountered the idea at least once. Some people have probably even tried this method, hoping that the properties of the grains will help get rid of water from the device and protect it from damage due to flooding. Theoretically, there is nothing strange about this – on paper, this method seems quite logical.

In fact, however, it may pose an even greater threat to the phone than the flood itself. Apple has commented on the matter and strongly advises its users not to put their iPhones in rice. Why? It turns out that there are several reasons and they are quite specific.

The company decided to address certain practices used by some users when their phone is flooded. We were therefore strongly advised not to put the iPhone in a bowl of rice. Okay, but what bad thing could happen? The risk is surprisingly high. Firstly, the rice can become sticky and as a result, it can seep into the gaps and holes in the appliance. The situation is similar with dust and other small elements that rice attracts. These can also damage delicate electronic devices.

It is also not very effective on its own, so putting your phone in a bowl of grains will not help prevent corrosion. The best method for a flooded iPhone is one that does not require the use of rice, tissues, papers and other external elements.

If not rice, then first of all, you need to tap the bottom of the device (on the side of the charging connector), e.g. on your hand, so that the water flows out. If, despite this, the moisture message appears, it is worth leaving the phone in a dry and airy place for some time. In the meantime, you can try to connect them to the charger.

The whole thing should take us up to 24 hours. However, if charging is still impossible during this time (and the phone has water inside), a visit to the service center may be necessary. There is no point in trying to clean it yourself, e.g. with a hair dryer. There is a risk that we will only make matters worse.