Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Lennon’s son revealed what he thinks about films about the Beatles. “That’s the minimum”

Recall that Sam Mendesdirector, among others “1917” Whether “American Beauty”, will make 4 biographical films about the Beatles. Each of them will tell a story from the perspective of a particular musician, and the works are intended to complement each other.

“Four films are a minimum to tell an impressive biography of The Beatles. Four films are needed,” he says in an interview with Variety. Sean Ono Lennon. The man admitted that he dreams of Lennon being played by… a woman. “I hope Emma Stone will consider this possibility. She was brilliant in ‘Poor Things’. The next logical step is to go all the way and play John Lennon,” he jokes.

“It’s hard to cast the role of someone as famous all over the world as my father. There have been several successful biopics about musicians. ‘I Regret Nothing – Edith Piaf’ was amazing. ‘Ray’ was great. It can be done and I believe that we’re going to do a good job, so I’m excited,” says Lennon. He also revealed that there will be a special feature for him when creating Mendes’ films. “I will be a cameraman’s assistant and I will take care of the catering. No one expected it, but I will cook like crazy,” says Lennon.

It is worth mentioning that Sean Ono Lennon did not leave the Oscar gala empty-handed – film “End of the war!” for which he wrote the script, won the statuette for the best short animated film. The picture is based on the famous song “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” from the repertoire of Lennon and Ono, and tells the story of two soldiers from World War I fighting on different sides of the barricade. Thanks to a carrier pigeon, they play a chess duel between themselves.