Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Jerzy Kryszak remembers the deceased Stanisław Tym. “I envied Staś”

Stanisław Tym is deadthe memorable kaowiec from the film “Rejs” by Marek Piwowski and Ryszard Ochódzki from “Miś”, “Controlled Conversations” and “Ryś”. Gustaw Holoubek called him “God’s messenger”, Jerzy Trela ​​described him as a man of “exceptional intelligence”. He was 87 years old.

“It is with great regret that we inform you about the death of Stanisław Tym, a great figure of Polish culture and media. For decades, he furnished our collective imagination and shaped our sense of humor,” the editorial office of the weekly “Polityka” said on Friday.

People from the industry have been publicly saying goodbye to the actor since Friday. Jerzy Kryszak in an interview for Plejada, he recalled his first encounter with Tym’s work.

“I met Stasio on the screen. We fell off our seats in the cinema when we were at theater school and “Rejs” was played in the so-called arthouse cinemas. Back then, the seats were empty because we actually fell off our seats with laughter when we saw what Stasio was doing. It was really great, not to mention all the rest of his achievements. There were also joint performances, let’s say cabaret ones,” Kryszak said.

He also confessed that he was concerned about the actor’s health in the last years of his life.

“I was a bit afraid of Staś, because he was very sick, but he was such an extremely warm man. I envied Staś, above all, his distance and… lack of distance. His distance from (…) the world, but also sometimes his direct fights with words and pen. He did not avoid great fights, he entered them and came out victorious, because he came out with laughter, jokes, irony, mockery and intelligence,” he said.

In the same conversation, he shared his reflection on the death of loved ones.

“I received this news with great sadness. These are moments in life that we would not like to experience, but they are and will be. We recently said goodbye to Elżbieta Zającówna, now Stasio…” – he summed up.

Read more: Anna Korcz worked with Stanisław Tym. He has no illusions about one thing