Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Is this the end of Sławomir and Kajra on TVP? The decision has been made

Program “That’s how it went!” was popular in many countries, it was broadcast in a total of 25 versions around the world. It came to Poland in 2008 and was a breath of fresh air on Polish television. Polish viewers liked it very much and it was broadcast for another 4 years. He remained the host all this time Maciej Miecznikowski from the team Bream (check!).

The format involves filling in the gaps in the lyrics of popular songs. The more words participants complete, the greater their chances of winning. In 2022, the show was reactivated and they became the hosts Sławomir and Kajra (check!). Among the many rumors about staff changes at TVP, there are also rumors that a married couple will lose their jobs on a popular program.

As ShowNews reported, although “That’s how it went!” defends itself and does not disappear from the air, the hosts cannot be so sure of their fate. We will learn more details at the turn of February and March.

However, this version was denied by Kajra, who believed that the news about the couple’s expulsion from TVP was only due to media reprints. “We are always amused by ‘news’ secret ‘informants’ and titles for clicks. People without names usually do not exist, and reprints are duplicates of fakes,” she said in an interview with Plejada.

New details about the future Sławomir and Kajra on TVP was reported unofficially by According to reports from his journalists, Sławomir and Kajra, after the spring edition of “That’s how it went!” they will say goodbye to TVP. The station was to start looking for new hosts, and the autumn episodes were to be recorded in spring.

The current season of “That’s how it went!” recorded in April 2023. It is shorter than the previous editions, because it has eight episodes, including the Christmas edition, which will be shown during Easter. The program is broadcast from March 3 on Sundays on TVP2.

According to Wirtualne Media’s informant, Sławomir and Kajra lost their jobs at TVP because the new management does not want the show to be hosted by stars who were the faces of TVP from the times Jacek Kurski and Mateusz Matyszkowicz.

Changes in TVP did not spare “Wheel of Fortune” and its hosts. Both presenters are to lose their jobs – Izabela Krzan and Norbi. The latter is to be replaced Robert El Gendy.

“I applaud you, congratulate you and wish you the best. I think it’s a good choice. This is a person who has worked and works on television, looks good, speaks well. He’s an intelligent boy,” he commented on the change of cast in the show.

The end of Rafał Brzozowski in the “Jaka to melodia?” program is also almost certain. He is going to return to the game show Robert Janowski.