Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

IN “The Voice Senior” reminded about the poverty of the family home. “It didn’t overflow”

During the semi-finals in “The Voice Senior” the profile of each of the program’s trainers was presented. At the very end it was decided Tomasz Szczepanik.

On this occasion, among others, behind the scenes of the band’s creation Pectuswhich the singer founded together with his brothers. “I was never “hey ahead”, I always approached everything with a distance. That’s how I lived this life. I like to sit back and observe the surrounding reality” – he said in the program.

“Inviting the brothers to the band was a very moving moment for me as the oldest brother. From one day to the next, the boys left their lives and came to my house in Warsaw. It was so moving for me that they trusted me then. Nothing more touching happened between us after that” – he recalled.

“I know he had to go through a lot in his childhood, that it wasn’t always easy, but he was supported by his family” – said one of Szczepanik’s students “The Voice Senior”.

“I must admit that things were not overflowing in our house and a very touching moment in my life was when my parents sacrificed their entire salary and bought me a keyboard instrument. It was one of the happiest sights as they headed towards me with the case. I think I cried with happiness then” – recalled the musician.

A little more about the brothers’ difficult childhood Pectus they said in TVN programs.

“There wasn’t even a tap with water, we had an outhouse 50 meters from the house – whether it was frost or not, snow or not snow, whether it was pouring or not. We bathed in a basin” – recalled the band’s leader, Tomasz, in the program “The old lady must be crazy”.

However, despite great poverty, the future founders of Pectus tried to approach life positively. “Our childhood was also about harvesting, digging and digging hay. It’s about sharing bonfires and singing carols. Bogoniowice will always remain in our hearts – said the brothers “Attention TVN”.