TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Help me”: The popular series returns with a second season. New broadcast time

Solving these difficult cases and criminal puzzles is handled by police officers from the Department for Combating Property Crime and Juvenile Crime: Junior Aspirant Maciej Bryś (Łukasz Oleś) and his partner Senior Aspirant Gustaw Żelazny (Piotr Nowakowski) and the younger aspirant Kinga Jabłońska (Sylwia Drzycimska). Although they are dealing with a very serious and at the same time delicate matter, and each of them has a completely different view of the investigation, together they reach the truth and help teenagers entangled in situations that seem to have no solution.

The series, through moving stories, draws attention to the difficulties that many teenagers struggle with – often alone or secretly – and makes them realize how dramatic the consequences can be. It allows young people to see situations whose emotional burden turns out to be unbearable for them and suggests certain solutions. Disturbed or destructive behavior, conflicts with the law or the environment are often a cry for help that, if left unanswered, may end in tragedy.

In the first episodes of the new season, we will see stories touching on problems such as running away from home, aggression and peer violence at school, disability, mental crises, suicide attempts, family conflicts and lack of support from loved ones.

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