TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“For good and for bad”: Episode 916. He will report the new doctor. What will happen to her?

Markiewicz will not be – to put it mildly – delighted that Dr. Kaczorowska, whom they know from the past, will be employed at the Clinical Hospital in Leśna Góra, but he will not have the courage to tell her to her face.

– I heard that today is your first duty at our hospital? – he will ask Iga, whom he meets by chance in the hospital corridor.

– Correct. I hope you don’t mind that I also work here? – he will hear in response.

– Of course not! I’ve always appreciated your knowledge… – Adam will say with a fake smile on his face.

– Although, to tell you the truth, I didn’t think you would return to your profession. You surprised me. And that’s wrong! After all, you have shown your bravery not once or twice… – adds the professor.

– I was thinking about taking a plumbing course. Apparently they earn very well. But the employment office rejected my application – says Kaczorowska quite seriously.

– I thought about that too – Markiewicz admits, leaving Iga stunned.

– It means abandoning treatment. For the benefit of an academic career. I have always appreciated contact with young, receptive minds. But the patients need me, you understand, I couldn’t take them – Adam explains his reasoning.

– This is a great loss for Medical Academies. Young doctors could learn a lot about this profession from you, comments Iga.

Markiewicz will be confused for a moment, not knowing whether Kaczorowska is serious or mocking him. But you can’t lose your balance.

– (…) I knew that director Woźnicka was understanding and would agree to accept you, despite… this – he will say in a stage whisper.

Flustered, Iga will not respond to Adam’s taunt.

– Because you told her about… – Markiewicz won’t give up.

– I’m sorry, but… a patient – Iga will cut off the conversation, and Adam will smile to himself “I have!”

Prof. Markiewicz will want to get rid of Iga at all costs and from the hospital in Lesnogóra, so he will decide to report her to his boss:

– I need to talk to you about a delicate matter. I didn’t want to… I think that Dr. Kaczorowska should have said it herself, but… (…) Dr. Kaczorowska spent the last two years in prison… And she would still be there if not for the cassation of the verdict due to procedural errors.

-I know that. Something else? – Woźnicka will surprise him.

– Did you know? And she hired her anyway? I hope you don’t regret it.

– Doctor Kaczorowska is an outstanding internist. Why should I regret it?

– After all, if she wasn’t acquitted, it means she’s still guilty. Doctor is a profession of public trust. How can society trust doctors when there are people with such low morale among them?

– I’m not worried about Dr. Kaczorowska’s morale! Excuse me, the rector is calling – Woźnicka will finish the conversation, then turn on her heel and head towards the exit.

Markiewicz’s face will sink, because at that moment he will clearly realize that he has no more ammunition for Iga.

We reveal that the 916th episode “For good and for bad” will be broadcast on Wednesday, April 3 at 20.55 on TVP2.