In January 2014, the series premiered on HBO “Detective”. The production with the Matthew McConaughey-Woody Harrelson duo delighted viewers and critics. Today it is considered a model for modern crime series. Following the wave of popularity, the creators decided to create an anthology, and a year later the second season was released on HBO.
At the beginning of 2019, HBO decided to give the series another chance. Unfortunately, the sequels were no longer positively received and most people had already buried the series. Surprisingly, last year, information about the creation of a fourth season circulated in the media.
The fourth installment is the responsibility of Mexican producer, screenwriter and film director – Issa López. Importantly, the series was not put into her hands, but created independently of Pizzolatto’s work. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, López admitted that she came to HBO with an idea for a “story about a murder in the ice.” However, the producers decided that it was worth creating this project under the “Detective” banner. However, the showrnner did not want to create a copy of the original.
Issa López has reasons to be happy. The producer received the green light from HBO to create a fifth season. “From concept to premiere, ‘Nightland’ was the most beautiful collaboration and adventure of my entire creative life. HBO trusted my vision the entire time, and the idea of bringing to life a new incarnation of ‘True Detective’ with Casey (Bloys), Francesca and the entire team was great.” a dream come true. I can’t wait to hit the road again,” The Hollywood Reporter quotes López as saying.
The fourth season focused on the investigation conducted by Liz Danvers (played by Jodie Foster) and Evangeline Navarro (Cali Reis). Fans are wondering whether the Oscar winner will return in new episodes. The actress was asked about it during Sunday’s Oscars gala. Her answer leaves no room for guesswork. “One (season -ed.) and that’s it. It’s an anthology. I won’t (come back),” she said briefly.