Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Continuation of Perfect with a new announcement. “Let the magic happen”

Under the banner Perfect Gold former musicians perform Perfectu: guitarists Jacek Krzaklewski and Ryszard Sygitowicz and bassist Piotr Urbanek. The latter announced that they are the official continuation of Perfect with the original musicians on board.

Let us remind you that Perfect ended its activities in 2021 when the singer Grzegorz Markowski decided to “retire from concerts”. In 2022 he died Piotr Szkudelskithe group’s long-time drummer. For the last time Perfect (in the lineup Grzegorz Markowski, Jacek Krzaklewski, Piotr Urbanekguitarist Dariusz Kozakiewicz and drummer Sławomir Puchała) performed in October 2023 in Krakow at a charity memorial concert Jurek Oliwahis long-time collaborator and friend.

The Perfect Gold line-up is complemented by a vocalist Piotr Skóraguitarist Bartosz Bratek Wójcik and Krzysztof Żurekthe group’s drummer Revolution commanded by Jacek Dewódzkiformer vocalist Jam. At the first concert, she also sang as a guest Agnieszka Bieńkowskawho played in the band for four years ExMaanam.

Dariusz Kozakiewicz joins Perfect Gold

Now the musicians have announced that a guest guitarist will join the band Dariusz “Krokodyl” Kozakiewicz. The guitarist – called the “Polish Hendrix” – has performed in the Perfect band since 1997. Previously, he was a musician, among others. groups Breakout, Test and Air Condition by Zbigniew Namysłowski. After the end of Perfect, he continued his solo career by creating a music project Darek Kozakiewicz Live. In 2021, he released a compilation album “Crocodile”where he summarized 50 years of his creative work.

– I think that after 40 years of being such a mainstay of rock and roll in Poland, Markowski’s decision was a bit premature. Several generations of Poles have grown up with this music, so I’m just sad that we won’t play anymore. I don’t think we should stop playing completely. We could easily give fewer concerts, but perform for more people, on a good stage, somewhere in a hall or even in stadiums – said Dariusz Kozakiewicz in an interview with Interia at the end of 2022.

“Let’s keep playing, let the magic happen” – we read on Perfect Gold’s profile.

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