TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“Colors of Happiness”: Episode 2955. Kasia will go crazy! Her husband will put the family in danger again

In the 2955th episode “Colors of Happiness” Waleria will convince Kasia and Łukasz that they should think carefully before making a final decision on divorce.

– Is there a chance you’ll change your mind? – he will ask directly.

We have tried to fix our marriage many times… And it didn’t work – Sadowska confesses to her.

– We probably need to take other paths, but we don’t know what will happen – Łukasz sighs.

We’re not getting a divorce yet – he will add after a moment of silence.

Luke will unexpectedly declare that he hopes for reconciliation with his wife, and a short break from each other will simply be good for their relationship.

– Everything will work out – he says.

– But how? You don’t have a job again, you live in a hotel… – Waleria will remind him.

Sadowski will explain to her that his non-compete clause will soon expire and he will be able to look for a job in his profession.

– For now, I’m thinking about writing a novel. I have plenty of materials that I collected while working on the Crimean case. This is material for a good crime story, he will say.

Kasia will go crazy.

– Crime story again? And this is based on facts? You really are not serious! You’re putting your head under the same axe as before! – will explode.

Waleria will have no idea what Kaśka means.

– Tell me, what a threat you have brought to our familywhen you were working on a crime story about real gangsters – Sadowska won’t be able to control her nerves.

Łukasz will admit that exposed his loved ones to serious danger.

– This time I will change everything so that it is not known who it is – he will say.

– Those you write about will know – Kasia will say.

– Łukasz, this all sounds very bad – Waleria will whisper.

– That’s why we’re breaking up. I will not endanger Kasia and I will be able to work on the topics I want, not those that Kasia will allow me – Sadowski will make it clear.

Well, that’s pretty much it for our relationship – he will hear from his wife.

On the same day, Kaśka will go to the countryside to unfurl a banner in front of the house with information that the property is for sale. She will also meet Mariusz (Rafał Cieszyński).

– Are you selling the house? Seriously? – the farmer will be surprised.

– Seriously – sighs Kasia.

Will Mariusz convince Sadowska not to get rid of the house she loves? Will Kasia be sure that she is doing the right thing by trying to throw Łukasz out of her life for good?

TVP2 invites you to watch the 2,955th episode of “Colors of Happiness” on Wednesday, March 6 at 8:10 p.m.

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