“Little women” Greta Gerwig is the eighth cinematic adaptation of a story that takes place in New England in the 1860s. The story focuses on the lives of the March sisters. In these roles on screen we see: Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Eliza Scanlen, Florence Pugh. Their partners are Meryl Streep and Laura Dern, as well as Timothee Chalamet and James Norton. The film won an Oscar in the best costumes category.
“Little Women” available on Netflix from February 29.
Psychologist Miranda Gray (Halle Berry) is an expert in matters of logic. Under the guidance of her husband (Charls S. Dutton), administrator of the psychiatric ward at Woodward Women’s Prison, Miranda treats dangerous patients such as Chloe (Penelope Cruz). Miranda’s happy marriage and stable life are threatened after she meets a mysterious young girl. She discovers that her husband was murdered and all evidence points to her.
“Gothika” available on Netflix from February 29.
In the sixth month of a solo research mission to the edge of the solar system, astronaut Jakub (Adam Sandler) realizes that after returning to Earth, his marriage may fall apart. So he tries at all costs to mend his relationship with his wife, Lenka (Carey Mulligan), with the help of a mysterious creature from the beginning of time living in the bowels of his ship. Hanuš (voiced by Paul Dano) and Jakub try to find out what went wrong before it’s too late – we read in the official Netflix description.
The film, directed by Johan Renck and based on the novel “Spaceman of Bohemia”, also stars Kunal Nayyar, Lena Olin and Isabella Rossellini.
“Astronaut” available on Netflix from March 1.
Read more: Famous actor in space! We haven’t seen him in such a role before