Akacjowa 38 is a new historical soap opera whose action begins at the end of the 19th century in Spain. The plot of the series revolves around the fate of a mother and daughter who, due to dramatic events, have to escape from their current home. The women change their identity and work as servants in a guesthouse on Acacia Street in Madrid.
This story, full of the beauty and intricacy of the era, quickly gained recognition among Polish audiences, offering insight into the lives of the heroines in hiding. Their fate can be followed from the beginning of 2023 on TVP2.
Lourdeswho had previously been involved in a suspicious accident, death comes. Teresa agrees to the Moor’s proposal and hires him for money as a private detective to obtain evidence against Cayetana. However, Mauro gives the first payment to Humildad, who admits that her own father robbed her.
Rosina and Maximiliano try to calm Cayetana’s anger over a recent newspaper article. However, she focuses only on punishing her servants.
Mauro resorts to blackmail to get his boss to give him Cayetana’s files. At the time Cayetana forces the neighbors to fire all the servants – all because of Leanor’s novel.
Maria Luisa externalizes her grief towards her mother, who used her for her own purposes and did not have enough affection for her. Mauro encourages Teresa to make friends with Fabiana, who learns that she will also be fired.
Sevando and Paciencia accept the decision to be fired with sadness, but also with humility. This is not the case with Leanor. Mauro doesn’t believe his boss, who claims that Cayetana’s files have been stolen. Celia informs Teresa that Mauro is seeing someone. Leonor uses blackmail to force Cayetan to consider dismissing his servants.
Cayetana receives a medical report according to which she underwent surgery to remove her appendix as a child. However, she doubts this because there is no scar on her stomach. Cayetana, trying to determine her identity, turns to Fabiana with a question.
Leanor tries to find out why Maria Luisa is depressed. Rosinia is extremely grateful to Pablo, who bought her brooch from the pawn shop. The money from her pledge was supposed to finance her plastic surgery.
Teresa, who learned from Celia about Mauro’s lover, does not want to meet him. On the other hand Cayetana throws Fabiana out of Acacia, unable to come to terms with the fact that she is her mother. Don Ramon sees the reason for Maria Luisa’s bad mood in discovering her mother’s intentions. Don Ramon appears in public again with Trini, much to Susana’s outrage. Meanwhile, Martin plans to give Casilda a gift and spend his entire first salary on it.
Maximiliano confronts a group of fake doctors and sends a letter to the newspaper’s editorial office, which will be published there. Cayetana is distraught and does not leave her apartment, while Fabiana falls ill. Mauro is also in dilemmas – he decides to break up with Humildad, but he cannot break through and tell her about his intentions. Victor returns to his old lifestyle and begins to behave like a reckless person again.
The series “Akacjowa 38” is a permanent part of the TVP2 program, with scheduled broadcasts Monday to Saturday at 6:45 p.m. The broadcast date of the latest episodes is as follows:
- “Akacjowa 38” episode 321: Monday, March 4, 2024.
- “Akacjowa 38” episode 322: Tuesday, March 5, 2024.
- “Akacjowa 38” episode 323: Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
- “Akacjowa 38” episode 324: Thursday, March 7, 2024.
- “Akacjowa 38” episode 325: Friday, March 8, 2024.
- “Akacjowa 38” episode 326: Saturday, March 9, 2024.
There are plans for those who will not be able to see the premiere broadcasts replays on TVP2 at 1:15 p.m. Additionally, the series “Akacjowa 38” is available on the TVP VOD platform – there we can watch all previously broadcast episodes at any time.