Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Will Jeremy Renner return to 'Avnegers' and 'Mission: Impossible'? The actor responds

Renner revealed that his absence in the last installments “Mission: Impossible” resulted from involvement in other projects, as well as the desire to spend time with her daughter. He added that the creators wanted to bring him to the set for a week to shoot a few scenes in which his character would be killed.

“I told them: No, you won't do it. You won't bring me there just to kill my hero, get lost,” he recalled. “If you want to use my hero, do it right.”

The twice-Oscar-nominated actor did not hide the fact that he would like to appear in the next installment of “Mission Impossible”. “I was supposed to work with them again. I love these people. I love Tom very much. We had a great time and I love my character too, but it would take a lot of time. They shoot everything in London. And I was about to become a father. It wouldn't work out. Maybe now , when my daughter is older. If necessary, I will always go back to 'Mission: Impossible',” he continued.

Renner also touched on a possible return to the role of Hawkeye in films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He stated that he would gladly appear with the remaining original Avengers if there was a good reason to do so. If the script is satisfactory, he will definitely pick up the bow again. However, he is not currently involved in any Marvel production. He also doesn't know the details about the upcoming films in the series “Avengers”.