TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

May premieres on Netflix! What to watch in the coming weeks?

Like every month, streaming platforms prepare a list of productions that are intended to satisfy the tastes of most viewers. May on Netflix promises to be exceptionally hot, and not only because of the temperature! Romances, intrigues and investigations are just around the corner.

At the beginning of the month we get a hot premiere, starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. “The story focuses on the love of Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) and Ally (Lady Gaga). He is a singer falling into oblivion and drinking away his sorrows, she is a waitress – occasionally singing in a friendly club. The celebrity accidentally comes across her performance. and decides to lend a helping hand on his way to the top. Along with Ally's career, the characters' relationship develops. Initially, her success gives Maine a second life, but over time it overwhelms him and ultimately pushes him towards self-destruction,” he wrote reviews Jakub Izdebski for Interia.

This film is an electrifying story about fame, money, the curse of popularity, the lust for attention and the price paid for being on top. It is a picture of reality hidden behind Instagram filters, studied frames of YouTube clips and lucrative sponsorship contracts. Above all, however, it is a moving story about those for whom the number of fans and likes determines their self-esteem, passion borders on obsession, and toxic competition gives rise to dark alliances. Are you ready for such a clash with reality?

“In Michigan in 1963, sworn rivals in the breakfast cereal industry, Kellogg's and Post, attempt to create a cookie that will change the face of breakfast forever. “No Frosting” is a story of ambition, betrayal, sugar and sinister milkmen. written and directed by Jerry Seinfeld,” we read in the distributor's official description.

The film surprises not only with its interesting subject matter, but also with its star cast. We can see, among others: such names as Peter Dinklage, Christian Slater, Mellisa McCarthy, Sebastian Maniscalco, Jon Hamm, Maria Bakalova and Cedrick The Entertaine.

This is a perfect proposition for horror fans, in a not entirely serious atmosphere! “A group of wealthy teenagers in their twenties go to a party in a luxurious, secluded mansion and have a party that leads to betrayals, deceptions and murders” – this is what I read in the official description of the film, but what more could you want when it's hot outside?

A production for fans of new versions of classic productions! Last year, the adventures of young Ada conquered cinemas in Poland, and now we have a chance to see them on our own screens! A modern story about well-known heroes that has received many positive reviews. Maciej Kawulski was the director, and the main roles were played by Tomasz Kot, Antonina Litwiniak and Piotr Fronczewski.

The title sounds like a great idea, but we absolutely do not recommend implementing it. However, we encourage you to watch this production, which will be available on the platform on May 9 and stars Mateusz Damięcki, Antoni Królikowski and Michał Żebrowski.

Ed (Antoni Królikowski) has money – all 100 million – a beautiful girlfriend and a good head on his shoulders. So everything to achieve success! But it also has a few problems. First of all, he stole the money and will spend another year in prison. Secondly, he convinced his fiancée that he was going to New York on business…

The upcoming third season “The Bridgertons” will focus on Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) and Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton). After Colin stated in the second season that Penelope would remain his friend forever, the girl, who fell in love with him without reciprocity, decides to start looking for a suitable husband.

Over time, Colin will have to answer an important question – is his feeling for Penelope just friendship or something more? We can not wait!

“When the sea washes up the body of a young girl on the shore of a Tri-City beach, an ambitious prosecutor discovers that the circumstances resemble a crime from fifteen years ago. When his superior forbids the reopening of a closed case, the man begins cooperation with the victim's mother – a judge struggling to rebuild her life after the loss of her daughter. The duo, united by their determination to discover the truth, begins a dangerous investigation that leads to one of the seaside clubs and the local underworld associated with it. The main roles are Maja Ostaszewska and Jakub Gierszał, who form an unusual pair of investigators in this dark thriller based on the novel. criminal Małgorzata Oliwia Sobczak.

Of course, these are not all the titles that will be released in the coming weeks: there will be new seasons of reality shows and new anime, and fans of crime stories will also find something for themselves. It's going to be an exciting month!