Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

If Edyta Górniak hadn't stood her ground back then, no one would remember her today

At the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin in 1994, Edyta Górniak won second place with a throw on the tape. with a score of 166 points, which is still the highest result achieved by Poland in the history of this competition. In April, 30 years have passed since this event and so far, no Polish representative has beaten the result of our native diva, or even come close to such a high position.

Edyta Górniak recalls that before she went to Eurovision, Polish Television had already prepared a song for her, created by renowned composers. However, the young artist denied it decided to refuse the offer from TVP.

“This song failed despite the big names behind it. This song, which was created… My heart didn't feel it (…) and I said: 'I can't go with a song like that'” – Edyta recalled in an interview with Jastrząb Post.

In this way, she forced her manager to look for another composition for her to sing. So Wiktor Kubiak found one for her “It was not me”. But at first Edyta was not satisfied with this choice either. “I don't want a song like that. I want to be modern, I want to be Janet Jackson” – she told Kubiak. Only when Jacek Cygan added his text to it between “Eve” and Edyta really hit it off.

With the recorded tape, Edyta marched to TVP, where she announced that she was going to sing your song. “And in this way I put television before the factthat I will not appear with an imposed composition” – she concluded.

Later, however, not everything went smoothly. During the first attempt, Poland faced possible disqualification. Edyta sang a song for the jury “It was not me” in English, which was against the regulations, which required participants to sing in their native language. Although singing in English at Eurovision is now the norm, in 1994 it could have led to Poland being excluded from the competition.

Poland ultimately avoided disqualification, even though Spain, Sweden and Greece tried to make it happen. Edyta Górniak talked about these events for the first time in 1995, during a program on TVP in which she hosted with Justyna Steczkowska.

Edyta Górniak's performance at Eurovision with the song “It was not me” it remains one to this day one of the most memorable moments in the history of Polish music. Its emotional performance captivated the hearts of European viewers and the jury, ensuring Poland's historic success.