Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Earth Festival 2024: on stage, among others, Alicja Majewska and Wiktor Dyduła

This year’s concert in Uniejów was held under the slogan “I love this country”. As always, the event aims to promote ecological behavior and inspire active action.

The event started Majka Jeżowska in the company Janosik’s Little Army. Together they sang a very expressive song, known to generations of Poles. “My planet”. One of the young vocalists of Janosik’s Little Army also made an appeal for “the great adult world to think about those who want a green country”. Majka Jeżowska also signed these words.

“We want to encourage once again to take care of what nature gives us and of our beautiful Poland,” added the host. Krzysztof Ibisz.

Then the band took the stage Zakopower with a song “Gallop”. After that, the leader’s nephew joined the group, Staszek from the Mountainswith songs “Hey, fast water” and “Because I love you”. On the other hand Maryla Rodowicz with the support of the choir she sang a song “Here comes the disc”.

“Now I’m taking you to the Polish seaside!” he shouted. Kamil Bednarek to the audience and performed Wodecki’s hit “Chałupy welcome to”. Wiktor Waligóra he reached for the song “The Story of One Acquaintance” from the repertoire of Czerwone Gitary, and Veronica Korthals invited to the Kashubian waltz “Hello Jane”. Alice Majewski she performed a beautiful ballad “The sail is still white there”.

After the break we saw Janosik’s Mała Army again, this time in the song “That’s how life tastes like”. Julia Pietrucha she recalled Anna Jantar’s song “So much sun in the whole city”and later she sang a duet with Wiktor Waligóra “Let the apple trees just bloom”.

Then we moved to Silesia, and the Uniejów scene was taken over by a strong rap representation: Caliber 44, Focus, Rahim, Tick and DJ Eprom. They performed a piece together “Black Silesia”.

Wiktor Dyduła, Kamil Bednarek and Wiktor Waligóra took us to “Masuria, a miracle of nature” in their song “Chasing Cormorants”. Natalia Nykiel she argued, in turn, that “Life is a miracle”. Maryla Rodowicz, during her second appearance on stage, recalled “Big Water”one of the greatest hits with lyrics by Agnieszka Osiecka, and “Green Lady Earth!”.

Later, Dyduła presented another classic, namely “Everything is blooming around” Skaldów. There was also something for the younger audience, namely “Half a step from here” from the Disney movie “Moana” performed by Natalia Nykiel. Then we saw Alicja Majewska again, this time in the song “The World in the Color of Hope”.

Zakopower chose the song for their next performance “One sec”“As long as joy is within us / The hand of the sun caresses the face / It is worth living, it is worth dreaming, it is worth being” – Kamil Bednarek intoned later. The concert ended Idalia Orman With Konin Gospel Choir and the song “Psalm for the Earth”.