Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Andrzej Seweryn: “We are never independent.” An outstanding Polish actor on the Krakow cinema festival

“When I think about an independent film, I think about financial independence. Second thought – relativity, the relative nature of the word, because we are never independent; just as we are never free – we always live in some context, circumstances. We have to make decisions and they are never solely based on what we want” – says Andrzej Seweryn.

In the conversation with the actor, we also touched on the topic of film festivals and their meaning and about the future in such a complicated world today.

“(…) There is so much going on in this world so dramatic, complex, complicated and mysterious too. We really don't know much about the, so to speak, underground life of the entire world, which the press and media do not write about. We need to think about the future, the aesthetic future, the ethical future. This is a very good slogan for our festival“.

Festivals and discussions, as well as the opportunity to present one's work to a wider audience, are always “a huge opportunity for young artists”, notes Andrzej Seweryn in an interview. For him, there were a lot of surprises during the Festival. On May 3, a special screening of the film “The Conductor” During the Conversation took place we asked him how he remembers working on this work and collaborating with Andrzej Wajda.

“This is a river topic (…) Andrzej was a friend, a champion, a friend. As the director of the Polish Theater, I consulted various things with him; working on “The Conductor” gave me the opportunity to work in a theater in France – it made me a non-anonymous person on that market. I was very happy when, after working with Andrzej in the 1970s and 1980s, I could return to work with him in the 1990s, after my absence from Poland. I worked in France for 33 years, but we found each other very quickly, whether working on “Pan Tadeusz” or “Zemsta”.

“The Conductor” is not the only film whose hero will be Andrzej Seweryn at the May festivals. It will appear on screens soon documentary film “I am a fictional character” by Arkadiusz Bartosik depicting the actor's life.

“This is a film about some, I don't want to say crazy, but about a man obsessed with his work. Always rushing, constantly rushing. Someone said “we don't know where” – we know where: to get the job done.