Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Where to watch “The Wish”? Check where it is available on VOD

Wish” this animated musical comedy from Walt Disney Animation Studiosset in the fantasy kingdom of Rosas. The main character, a young girl named Asha, makes a powerful wish that attracts the attention of a cosmic force – a star with enormous power. Together with her faithful companion, Valentino the goat, Asha must face her most dangerous enemy – the ruler of Rosas, King Magnifiko. The film is about the fight for freedom, the magic of wishes and how courage and will can change reality.

The movie “The Wish” can be watched on various streaming platforms. It is available as part of a subscription to Disney+and can also be rented on platforms such as Megogo, Rakuten TV, Premiery Canal+, Play Now, Prime Video and Apple TV. This is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in this beautifully animated story about the power of dreams and the magic that can change the world. If you’re looking for a gripping and emotional story, “The Wish” is definitely a movie worth seeing.

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