Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

When he started out, he was the object of ridicule. Now he is 30 years old and has fans all over the world

Although such descriptions usually fit older stars, the math doesn’t lie: Justin has spent over half of his life on stage. The whole world witnessed how the young Canadian collected his first number one songs and then became one of the most popular singers. There is no point in cheating: fame cost Bieber a lot and the artist did not manage to avoid mistakes.

Justin openly talked about mental health problems, depression and substance abuse, and the tabloids wrote about, for example, arguments with photojournalists or urinating in a restaurant. Fortunately, the musician himself noticed that things weren’t going well for him and he was able to take a longer break, even though a three-year vacation is a rare thing in the show business. Bieber has many more such surprises. As befits a man who appears on the lists of the most loved and most hated celebrities at the same time.

The musician’s mother wanted to brag about her son’s performance in front of her family and posted a clip of the singing teenager on YouTube. This is how the Canadian’s career began, although at the time no one probably suspected what would happen. Pattie often recorded a boy who liked to sing songs by, among others, Chris Brown and Ne-Yo. The first cover videos were very popular, which only encouraged my mother to post more clips online. It so happened that they were watched not only by ordinary Internet users who admired the young singer’s voice, but also by talent scouts. The music industry has realized that the Internet offers many opportunities and talented people can be found with a few clicks, without even leaving the desk. Thanks to this, Scooter Brown, once a studio employee, now – thanks to Justin, among others – one of the most powerful music managers in the United States, came across the Canadian’s films. It was with him that Taylor Swift fought for her songs, but that’s a completely different story.

In any case, Scooter approached Bieber’s parents with a cooperation proposal. Soon, the future star had to explain to his teachers that he would not be in class the next day because he was flying to Atlanta to work on his debut album. How many young musicians would like to be able to say something like that? By the way, two celebrities wanted to sign a contract with the artist. Usher, who wasn’t interested in collaborating at first, started watching Bieber’s clips online, realized he made a mistake and decided he had to listen to the singer live. After this performance, the star no longer had any doubts, although another famous musician approached Justin: Justin Timberlake. However, Bieber chose a better offer and reached an agreement with Usher.

The Canadian knew from childhood that he wanted to become an artist. The musician learned to play the piano, guitar and drums, and above all, of course, he sang. The parents tried to submit their son to various talent agencies, but nothing came of it. Some people probably felt embarrassed after many years when they saw the career of their would-be protégé. Justin was so determined that he even had a plan B. He intended to apply for “American Idol” as soon as he turned 16, but ultimately didn’t have the opportunity to audition. The musician was previously discovered on YouTube, and as a 16-year-old he was already a big star.

Man does not live by music alone and Justin also has several passions off stage. The most visible hobby is tattoos. The artist started making them when he needed his parents’ consent, and later more paintings were added at a rapid pace. Now the singer has over 70 tattoos, and in 2018 he wrote on his social media: “Over a hundred hours of work on the works on my body and I wouldn’t take back a single one.” Bieber likes art not only on his skin, but also on walls. The musician loves graffiti, and he creates it himself. The singer once admitted that running with a can of spray calms him down, so he uses it whenever he can. Justin even collaborated with famous artists, and the effects could be seen in Los Angeles and London, among others.

The star also likes sports and who knows, maybe if he hadn’t been on stage, Bieber would be running around the football field today? As a child, the musician played in several local teams and was really good, as he was included in the squads for youth tournaments in Canada several times. Justin still enjoys going out on the pitch, although mostly for recreation or for charity purposes. The artist received praise, for example, from Neymar, who was so impressed that he invited the singer to professional training with the Barcelona team. As if that wasn’t enough, Bieber has another talent – and it’s quite unusual. The musician can solve a Rubik’s Cube in less than two minutes. Someone here trained a lot on the road.

Many artists suffer from phobias. There are those who won’t get on a plane on their birthday because they’re afraid they’ll die, others can’t cope with the fear of going on stage. Justin also has this type of problem. First of all, the musician suffers – since childhood – from claustrophobia, i.e. fear of small, closed rooms, but also of crowds. It’s quite unfortunate that the singer has a job that exposes him to frequent contact with both of these things. The star admitted in one of the interviews that he feels uncomfortable when, for example, he is surrounded by a crowd of fans, although he has become somewhat accustomed to it over the years. Elevators, however, are a bigger problem. Additionally, when the door to the already crowded cabin opens for Bieber, you can be sure that the artist will not get into it.

Another thing the musician is afraid of is sharks. Perhaps Justin doesn’t encounter them every day at work, but when it turned out that the singer was to perform in a water park where these voracious fish live, the star canceled the concert. Avoiding another cause of anxiety is not so easy. Bieber hates dentists. Even after thorough anesthesia, the artist is afraid that he will feel pain, and the sound of scrubbing tools on his teeth and the sound of a drill give the musician goosebumps. Justin’s co-workers once laughed in the press that the singer took as many as six bodyguards on one of his visits. It wasn’t because he was afraid for his safety. The team went there solely as “mental support”. You only have to look at Bieber’s teeth to guess that it worked.

It would take a long time to list all the awards, gold and platinum records and records that Bieber has achieved. Even before the release of his debut album, the musician placed as many as four songs on the charts, which is quite an achievement. However, the singer does not limit himself to a career on stage, Justin is also an efficient businessman. The artist founded his own clothing company, sold perfumes, and even – for a lot of money, of course – appeared in an underwear advertisement. There is no denying that the musician has become accustomed to a certain level of both fame and life. Some time ago, there was a lot of talk about a list of things that a singer requires during concerts. The artist wanted to travel only in a limousine, have access to a jacuzzi and Indian essential oils.

Privately, however, Justin also likes luxury. In 2013, the musician was looking for a home for himself and it was supposed to be a property away from the nightlife of Los Angeles. So Bieber wanted to buy… Neverland, Michael Jackson’s famous ranch. The Canadian has been a fan of Jacko since childhood and even bought himself a monkey, just like his idol. It turned out that Neverland required too much work to restore it to its former glory, so the singer eventually decided to move to another place. However, along the way, the artist managed to get to know the real estate market, because he once lived in Britney Spears’ former estate, and, as a teenager, he bought a house for his father and adoptive siblings. The Canadian once revealed that if he hadn’t ended up on stage, he would probably have become an architect because he was fascinated by building design.

How much would you pay for a lock of your idol’s hair? In 2011, the artist donated a fragment of his hairstyle to charity. The hair went to a popular online auction site and found a buyer for over $40,000. Quite a bit of money, right? The money went to an organization that helps animals. The musician is often involved in charity work. For example, Bieber became an ambassador for Pencils of Promise. The organization, founded by the brother of the singer’s manager, builds schools and provides education for children in developing countries. Justin also has a long cooperation with the Make-A-Wish foundation. As part of it, the artist meets with sick children who dreamed of meeting a star. The musician buys them tickets to his performances, takes photos with them, and sometimes even plays intimate concerts for them.

The singer also recorded a charity song with Ariana Grande “Stuck With U”, supported victims of natural disasters, single mothers, children from poor families, hospitals and promoted the adoption of animals from shelters. While advertising campaigns with the artist’s participation are, of course, very visible, it must be admitted that Justin often helps without publicity. The singer says briefly: “I want to give something back for what I have received.”