Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Viki Gabor wanted to appear in “Got Talent”. What stopped her?

Victoria Gabor has just released a new album “Terminal 3”. During her career, she recorded hits such as: “Superhero”, “Scandal” and “Hand in hand” With Kayah. Recently, she admitted that the artist was bored with some hits.

“To be honest, I’m a bit bored with these songs… But I know that fans expect these songs from me at concerts, because they know them best. As an artist, I also have to be prepared for such things, because there are songs that my fans like them more, some like them less, that’s normal,” he says.

The singer became famous a few years ago for participating in competitions “The Voice Kids” and Junior Eurovision Song Contest, which she won. It turns out that she also wanted to present herself in Britain’s Got Talent.

In a conversation with Eska, Viki Gabor admitted that she planned to take part in the British edition of the program. All this was made impossible by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

“There was an idea, I remember it. I wanted to take part. The pandemic ruined everything, but there was such an idea and later, you know, it disappeared,” says the singer.

However, the artist does not rule out using this idea in the future. He dreams of appearing to an international audience in some time. Additionally, Great Britain is an important country in Gabor’s life, because the singer grew up there. Currently, he plans to focus on promoting the new album.

I would like to show myself abroadbecause this is also a goal that I would like to achieve someday, for now I am focusing on ‘Terminal 3’ and the concert tour,” she sums up.