Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Viki Gabor performing casually? She responded to Internet users’ criticism

Victoria Gabor is a singer who became known to a wider audience in 2019. At that time, she took part in a program loved by TVP viewers “The Voice Kids”. She joined the team Tomson and Baron, and then – under their wings – she reached the finals of the talent show. Another success in the young singer’s career was participation in Junior Eurovision Song Contest. In 2019, the artist represented Poland in the competition and won, thus making history. She was the second Pole in a row to achieve this.

Since then, Viki Gabor has developed her career significantly. She has already released three music albums and had the opportunity to sing on the largest stages throughout Poland. She has also collaborated with musical legends such as Kayah. Despite great successes, the singer faces a wave of criticism. The most common reason for unfavorable comments is her manner and general appearance. People accuse Viki of not being satisfied with what she has and acting casually.

According to many Internet users, Viki Gabor lost the joy of performing on stage during five intense years of her career. The singer is regularly invited to television festivals, during which she performs her greatest hits from her first album, including: “Superhero”, “Affair” Whether “Hand in hand” (check!). This is a bit burdensome for the artist, because she would also like to have the opportunity to present her new work to a wider audience. She claims that a lot has changed since her first album – she has grown up and her music has taken on a different character. But did the constant requests to sing older songs make her completely reluctant to perform?

Viki Gabor in a conversation with Eska revealed that she has become bored with her older songs, but she is aware that most people are waiting for them near the stage. “To be honest, I’m a bit bored with these songs… But I know that fans expect these songs from me at concerts, because they know them best. As an artist, I also have to be prepared for such things, because there are songs that my fans like them more, some like them less, that’s normal,” explained the 16-year-old singer.

Viki Gabor commented on the accusations of internet users that she is discouraged. She assured that she gives her all during each performance and is all for her fans. She emphasized that she does not pretend to be someone she is not, which may be perceived differently. She has a certain way of being and not everyone may like it, but she certainly does not perform offended and sad.

“I don’t perform casually. I have this facial expression. Some people are extremely happy and laugh at the camera all the time, they also behave this way on stage, and others are subdued. I am a more subdued person,” Viki confessed.

At the same time, the artist appealed to television to try to look at the artists’ well-being and sometimes allow them to present material that is newer and less known. “I think that television should look at artists a little differently – support them when it comes to new musical material. Blocking yourself only to ‘Superhero’ and ‘Rami w arm’ is also boring. I would like to start singing some of my newer songs one day, because it’s it’s also nice for the audience,” said the singer.