“The Valhalla Murders” tells the story of a police profiler who returns to his native Iceland to solve a criminal mystery. The main roles were played by Björn Thors and Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir. The Icelandic series has seven episodes.
“In the trap” is another Icelandic production worth seeing. The three-season series tells the story of a murder investigation that takes place in a small fishing town. The creator is one of the most famous and respected contemporary artists from Iceland – Baltasar Kormákur.
Series “Nurse” was based on the true story of Danish nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for four counts of attempted murder in 2017, described in Kristian Corfixen’s book of the same title.
Early one morning in March 2015, the Danish police received a call from a nurse at Nykøbing Falster Hospital who reported that she suspected her colleague of intentionally killing patients and feared that another murder had just occurred. The case quickly gained a pace unprecedented in the history of Danish law – we read in the official description of Netflix.
The main character of the series “Lilyhammer” there is a New York gangster, Frank Tagliano (Steven Van Zandt), who moves with his family to Norway as part of the witness protection program and decides to start a new life. There were three seasons of the production.
“Copenhagen Cowgirl” is a suspenseful noir series telling the story of a mysterious heroine named Miu, bathed in neon light. Fed up with serving others, he wanders the sinister landscape of Copenhagen’s underworld in search of a new beginning. Desiring justice and revenge, he meets his nemesis, Rakel, and sets off with her on an odyssey through the natural and supernatural world. Their past ultimately transforms and defines their future as both women discover that they are not alone, but many.
Read more: Series adaptations of books. Which productions win the hearts of viewers?