A crime series based on the popular film directed by Guy Ritchie. The role of the main character, Eddie Halstead, will be played by Theo James – an actor known from “The White Lotus” and films from the “Divergent” series. Guy Ritchie, the creator of the film “The Gentlemen”, is the executive producer of the series “The Gentlemen”. Together with Matthew Read (“Curfew”), he wrote the script for the pilot episode and will also direct the first two episodes. His 2019 film turned out to be a huge box office success – grossed $115 million in theaters worldwide on a budget of just $22 million.
“Girl Campaign” is an American political series starring Melissa Benoist, known from “Supergirl”. “Four journalists discover friendship, love and scandal while following the unpredictable presidential campaign,” says the description. The series is inspired by the book “Chasing Hilary”.
The series shows the story of a certain contemporary a European regime slowly collapsing. Kate Winslet stars as the dictator. He is the author of the script and showrunner of the series Will Tracy (“Menu”), and they will direct it Stephen Frears (“Dangerous Liaisons”) and Jessica Hobbs (“The Crown”).
The science fiction show will premiere in March “The Three-Body Problem”for which the creators of the “Game of Thrones” series – David Benioff and DB Weiss – are responsible. series adaptation of the trilogy “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” by Liu Cixin. The first part of the series is “The Three-Body Problem”. The next ones are “The Dark Forest” and “The End of Death”. Producers include: Rian Johnson, Rosamund Pike and Brad Pitt. Cixin and Ken Liu, a literary translator and science fiction author, will act as consultants.
“Whispers of Darkness” turned out to be one of AMC’s highest-rated series. The production debuted in the USA in 2022, and it was broadcast last year. The latest, second installment of the critically acclaimed production. “In Season 2, Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn (McClarnon) reunites with Jim Chee (Gordon), his former deputy turned private detective. The heroes conduct separate investigations, but it soon turns out that they are looking for the same suspect. They set out in pursuit across the Navajo Country desert in pursuit of a killer hiding a dark secret that may reopen old wounds and challenge Leaphorn’s moral and professional code,” reads the official description of the production.
“England, 1705: Nell Jackson returns from the war to her family in Tottenham. Aided by the brave elf Billy Blind, who gives her fighting superpowers, Nell faces off against the intimidating son of a local landowner, Thomas Blancheford. Forced to flee with her sisters Roxy and George, Nell becomes a highwaywoman. As news spreads of Nell’s extraordinary powers, “She attracts the attention of the sinister Earl Poynton, who is plotting a magical plot against the Queen of England.”
“Blood 2” is a continuation of a dark story appreciated by viewers and reviewers, in which the Gajewski family is the center. We will see the characters known from the first season again on the screen. In production there are: Ireneusz Czop in the role of the father of the family – Jerzy Gajewski, and also Katarzyna Z. Michalska as his daughter Alicja, Kamil Kula as Alicja’s husband Patryk, Piotr Głowacki – police commissioner and Monika Krzywkowska, Olaf Lubaszenko and Maciej Musiałowski.
Tom Ripley is a con artist living in New York, who, at the request of a wealthy man, goes to Italy with the task of bringing home the wayward and entertaining son of his client. However, it turns out that the whole thing is not that simple – Ripley is drawn into a world full of tricksters and lies. The series, like the film “The Talented Mr. Ripley” (1999) with Matt Damon in the main role, is based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith.
“Fallout” is a series of video games whose action focuses on the survival of a handful of survivors in a world full of dangerous creatures, territorial fights, and, above all, radioactive radiation. The world presented is set many years after the nuclear holocaust, and the characters move mainly through abandoned areas or stay in safe shelters called Vaults.
Julia is an introverted and appreciated photographer, the wife of an ambitious and success-seeking prosecutor, Patryk. When she goes out to get some fresh air and take a break from the crowd during the opening, she unexpectedly meets Paweł. These two are unable to resist their chemistry and violent feelings. What they do not realize are the dependencies and connections that exist between them.
“Betrayal” it’s a psychological thriller, remake of the Dutch series “Overspel”, well received by critics and viewers. The director is Makary Janowski. The author of the photos is Paweł Figurski. Starring: Anna KaczmarczykMarieta Żukowska, Dawid Ogrodnik, Paweł Małaszyński and Piotr Polk.
The upcoming third season “The Bridgertons” will focus on Penelope (Nicola Coughlan) and Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton). After Colin stated in the second season that Penelope would remain his friend forever, the girl, who fell in love with him without reciprocity, decides to start looking for a suitable husband.
Potential candidates include: Marcus Anderson (Daniel Francis), Lord Debling (Sam Philips), and Harry Dankworth (James Phoon). However, when things don’t go according to Penelope’s plan, Colin decides to help her find the right man. Over time, he will also have to answer an important question – is his feeling for Penelope just friendship or something more?
See also:
The most anticipated series of the year? We know the premiere date of the second season