Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

This is where Tomasz Szczepanik (Pectus) lives. What does the luxurious house of “The Voice Senior” coach look like in Spain?

Coach “The Voice Senior” he has been vacationing on Tenerife with his family for years. In 2017 Tomasz Szczepanik and Monika Paprocka-Szczepanik they decided to buy an apartment on credit.

“This year we changed it to a much larger one and moved next door. This change was influenced by 2020, during which we spent more time there for the first time and became even more convinced of this place. We do not rule out that when the children grow up, they will we will move there,” the singer's wife and manager of his group told “Fakt”. Pectus.

“It's a beautiful apartment, 130 meters long, with a kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, bathrooms, and its advantage is a huge terrace, which I've always dreamed of. It's 60 meters long and has a private swimming pool and a barbecue. Because we're the only ones there, We are also thinking about renting it to earn money,” said Paprocka-Szczepanik.

You can see it on Instagram photos of a luxurious property that is available for rent during the holidays. In this way, the juror of “The Voice Senior” supplements his salary.

The pop-rock group Pectus was founded in 2005 in Rzeszów. In 2009, the band's debut album was released, and with it the first successes, awards, places at the top of the charts, and finally, the time of conflict came. Behind the back of vocalist Tomasz Szczepanik, the musicians were to register the Pectus trademark and graphic mark at the Patent Office. Additionally, they accused the frontman of appropriating the authorship of the songs. It took Tomasz Szczepanik almost three years to obtain full rights to the name Pectus, and the District Court in Warsaw found the singer innocent.

Szczepanik built the team from scratch, involving his three brothers: Marek, Mateusz and Maciej. In February 2013, the album ““The Power of Brothers”which was a hit “Barcelona”. The material achieved the status of a gold record.

Pectus still performs as a family band, and the band's discography ends with an album “Family Carol Singing” from 2020.

Tomasz Szczepanik has been assessing the participants of the TVP2 show since the fourth edition of “The Voice Senior”. They accompanied him in the fifth edition, which ended in February Maryla Rodowicz, Alicja Węgorzewska and debuting in this group Halina Frąckowiakwhich replaced Piotr Cugowski. She became a winner Regina Rosłaniec-Bavcevic, mentee of Halina Frąckowiak. Tomasz Szczepanik led to the final Piotr Salata.