Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

The whole of Poland was partying to these hits. These are the most famous love songs

Of course, the omnipresent spirit of capitalism always lurks in the background of declarations of love; after all, no one loves Valentine’s Day as much as those for whom this day is a source of considerable income. Celebrities and influencers try to outdo each other with ideas on how to spend this day, fueling the whole crazy, heart-warming machine. Restaurants and cafes tempt with special offers for lovers.

Shop windows attract the eyes with their red to attract those looking for bargains and romantic gifts. If at school all we needed was an anonymous card, sent secretly to the person of our dreams, then the requirements increase over time. In all this madness, the hardest thing is probably those who have not yet found their love, or the romantic feeling has become a painful memory. The good news is that our review is intended to be the cure for your problems. We will remind you of songs that soothe wounds, beautifully describe feelings and sometimes give hope for a better time.

The world reflects itself in culture, and culture created by talented but at the same time normal people living next to us responds to social needs, and the topic of love has always been present in it. Nothing cements musical projects better than the desire to win the hearts of fans, hence the theme of love has always been present in songs. Love hits have been conquering the charts for decades, and echoes of romantic ecstasy are still known from the works of the classics. Fryderyk Chopin he was in love with a school friend Konstancja Gładkowskathe effect of this feeling can be found in the Piano Concerto in F minor from 1829. Berlioz, Bizet, Tchaikovsky often they stitched the ups and downs of their heart struggles into their scores. If The Beatles They would conquer the world without the “Love Me Do” confession, a The Stones without sighing at “Angie”?

So let’s look into our Polish music drawer and, on Valentine’s Day, let’s pull out songs that beautifully talk about this feeling. Sometimes the love presented in them is not the easiest time for the characters, other times we will find the beauty of everyday life or the strength to change in the hits.

A Wonder-style song written by Jerzy Dobrzyński with text Zbigniew Książek since the 1980s, it has been an enduring anthem of lost love and longing for it. Performed brilliantly by Andrzej Zaucha at the festival in Opole in 1988, the hit instantly became one of Poland’s favorite songs. The recording was so popular that it was often re-released in new versions. One of the more successful ones belongs to Kuba Badach.

One of the most beautiful and moving compositions from the album “Korova Milky Bar”. “If one day I can choose how to do it / It’s good, I know it well / I would like to die of love” sounds like the cry of a young romantic, Werther’s. Although the entire text is full of warm and beautiful emotions towards the beloved person, the love described is probably not the happiest, after all, the lyrical subject begins the musical story by saying that “The world has fallen out of my hands.”

If you are looking for hope that there is a chance for true love, an ordinary one, not driven by artificial gestures, hidden in the beauty of apparent everyday life, then listen to the song Karolina Kozak. The recording appeared on her solo debut “Taki Ordinary Day” from 2007 and is a beautiful musical balm for lovers.

Love is an infinite set of experiences. An extremely beautiful, mature look at personal relationships, without excessive lyrical exaltation. The story told from the perspective of the hero’s experiences draws attention to the need to be able to reconcile often contradictory natures for the good of the relationship. The recording comes from the album “Fasady” by this Tricity band, released in 2016.

Scientists say that love is the result of chemical phenomena occurring in our brains. Maybe that’s why one of the most beautiful Polish ballads was perfectly interpreted by a graduate of the chemical technical school in Gorzów Wielkopolski. Krystyna Prońko. Excellent composition, written by Marek Stefankiewicz with text Bogdan Olewicz is one of the iconic recordings in the history of Polish music. Since its premiere in 1983, it has enjoyed everlasting fame, and its beautiful and wise message has been discovered by subsequent generations.

Andrzej Smolik and Przemek Myszor They wonderfully broke the spell of vocal talent Krzysztof Krawczyk in 2002. A beautiful, warm and nostalgic declaration of love comes from the album “…Because I dream and dream”. The composition has forever entered the canon of the greatest romantic Polish hits.

Love is a fragile and delicate gift that must be fought for and nurtured endlessly. Anita Lipnicka she created this beautiful and romantic story set to music Robert Janson. The composition, released in 1994 on the album “Emu”, became a flagship hit of the 1990s in Poland and continues to captivate listeners with its lyricism and warmth to this day.

Bogdan Olewicz in our list, he is slowly becoming the king of romantic poetry turned into songs. That’s him Zbigniew Hołdys created this perfect hit, which was included on the debut album of the Polish rock legend, released in 1981. This unconditional declaration of love has lost none of its noble charm over the years.

Among the older hits, it’s time for the romantic voice of the young generation. Although love broke out unexpectedly in this beautiful ballad released in 2021, the artists sing about the growing feeling with extraordinary delicacy, as if they did not want to scare away the magical moment. The recording appeared on the artist’s second album “Pokręt”.

There is only one queen of sad love songs. Kaśka Sochacka she is perfectly capable of worrying about love, which she proved in a duet with Vito Bambino, but also encourages not to wait too long for a chance in the song “Madison”. However, if perversely you need a soundtrack on Valentine’s Day that will cover your grief after loss, you will not find a better song. The composition comes from the mini-album “Ministry” released in 2021.